
Today for the second installment of my Makeover Monday series of posts, I am sharing my current Planner and the way I made myself at home in it. First, let me give you a quick history on my Planner Love and commitment. I have used a Planner since my first year as a Personal Trainer (of course, this was when dinosaurs still roamed the earth but you understand it’s been a long time). I remember I bought a small At A Glance pink planner to track my schedule. In it I wrote down Personal Training appointments for my first serious stint into the lives and homes of others helping them fit in fitness. As I balanced training others, myself, and various  commitments, including journal keeping, I devised my version of a planner. A three-ring spiral bound 3-5 subject notebook held the details of my diet, training, daily Personal Training Schedule, and other appointments as well as quotes, notes and scraps. Soon after, I began running my own business and I shifted to a DayRunner for a more professional binder and increased versatility. I remember leaving that planner in West Palm Beach, Florida somewhere between the airport and who knows where. God had my back, because within 4 days of returning home, that planner, which held the paperwork for my newly incorporated business was returned! Phew. The Planner habit had been made and I rarely, if ever was without my faithful sidekick.

I have attended a number of Time Management/Planning workshops and used about every planner out there over the course of my years:  Franklin Covey, Filofax, Priority Management, DayTimer, and more. I would have to say I really loved Franklin Covey products as well as the training I received through their classes/workshops. As I shifted from professional life to a more home based lifestyle, I discovered Planner Perfect and appreciated incorporating new ideas and practices that affirmed my planner habit. I do adore Jenny Penton and appreciate her vision for planning.

This past August, my sweet, thoughtful BFF gifted me with a planner I had squealed about on the phone one day to her. She made it her business to find it, buy  it, and bring it to me on my birthday. I am convinced this was God’s creative way of making me commit to one planner for one full year (I get planner antsy at the 6 month point). Better still, the planner actually goes from September 2014 through February 2015! Since I do most of my creative writing, goal setting and visualization on paper in my journal, my planner needs to help keep me on track for daily life. It needs to keep my feet on the ground, and getting where I need to get, when I need to get there!

As I started getting the “new planner bug” towards the end of last year and was feeling my way around this new, beautiful planner gift, I discovered a whole bunch of crazy, wonderful, inspiring women on YouTube, including Organized Like Jen, My Purpley Life, Pocketful of Vintage and Gina’s Organized Life to name a few. I felt newly inspired to dive into my planner with a vengeance. A creative vengence…and so I armed myself with Washi Tape, colored pens, scraps, stickers, scotch tape and glue…I got busy and invested some creative energy into my planner, and it now truly is my number one secretary, perfectly outfitted for me.

I am sharing this makeover in hopes of inspiring you to make whatever planner you have, a bit more personal, creative and fun! Invest yourself in it, so that you will want to open it and use it regularly. I loved this planner but some of the format was tripping me up. Nothing that a little creative Washi Tape could not resolve. Also I adapted and transformed the innards to meet my needs and requirements!  Let’s check out the details!

This is the inner binding and first page, which I love. On the left I have made a pocket holding a small calendar. I also adhered a clear plastic business card pocket pocket. Varied scraps I saved were used for decoration.
This is the inner binding and first page, which I love. On the left I have made a pocket holding a small calendar. I also adhered a clear plastic business card pocket. Varied scraps I saved were used for decoration.
In the small calendar is where I track my daily Devotional and Bible Reading. This works better than a reading plan for me, as I can read more some days than others and allows me the flexibility I need to adjust accordingly.
Flipside of About.Me calling cards.
This shows the fancy little cover, (via Pocketful of Vintage) so you don't see my business (private papers)  if I don't want you to. Plus it just looks pretty!
This shows the fancy little cover, (via Pocketful of Vintage) so you don’t see my business (private papers) if I don’t want you to. Plus it just looks pretty!
Here are the inner pages, I used some scrapbook paper on the left and added a Creative Memories Sticker on the right, to start!
I wanted to fill my planner with positive and pretty things that inspired me. This is one that had caught my eye going throughthe Facebook Feeds. I included my One Word for 2014!
I wanted to fill my planner with positive and pretty things that inspired me. This is one that had caught my eye going throughthe Facebook Feeds. I included my One Word for 2014!
Just a few more various snippets and positive affirmations and pretties.
The year in view is where I track my Fitness activity…it’s pretty sparse at the moment. Working on it!
I have just started filling in the month here, but also am looking forward to applying some ideas for scrapbooking themed monthly calendars (I think that was from Gina’s Organized Life). Meanwhile I am having fun with Washi and I added some Stickers, as I went on. I do not like to get to crazy with embellishments due to the ADHD factor!
I have been filling in and adjusting the weekly view so that it suits me well. A Planner is a work in progress. Reflective and Flexible…like we are and we need it to be!
Repurposed bank pass cover and Creative Memories envelope as Sticky Note and Stamp holder.
Repurposed bank pass cover and Creative Memories envelope as Sticky Note and Stamp holder.
I made a collage of our sweet family threesome and simply ...slipped it in, snipped it and stuck it down! I used Creative Memories tape to adhere the sides.
I made a collage of our sweet family threesome and simply …slipped it in, snipped it and stuck it down! I used Creative Memories tape to adhere the sides.
I glued a notepad in the back for notes and lists on the go, made another pocket on the back cover, added the family stickers, and smiley for good measure!
I glued a notepad in the back for notes and lists on the go, made another pocket on the back cover, added the family stickers, and smiley for good measure!
My final accessory is my bookmark, made from the packaging for a bookmark I got on sale for a quarter which I made into my portable, changeable TO DO list. This is a work in Progress and the notepad used for the list was from Staples and the sheet is cut in half – it has “To Do Now” and “To Do Later”. I inserted the list in so I can use dry erase for the daily do list.

Well, I hope my savvy little scrappy try with my planner inspires you to invest a bit of lovin’ into your own, so that you might be inspired to get the Planner Habit yourself!

A planner is only as good as you make it…make it useful, make it pleasing to your eye and make it work for you!

Be sure and check out all the inspiration and planner love over on You Tube…it is addicting, inspiring and fun!

Special thanks to all of those I mentioned and all of you who love creativity, planners and journals…sigh, you are my people!

See you next Monday for another makeover project!

Do you use or have a favorite Planner?

I’d love for you to share your planner or the ways you make it personal, or any favorite planner tips, accessories etc. Drop a link or comment below!

Linking with Create with Joy for Inspire Me Monday, Cornerstone Confessions for Titus 2 Tuesdays

Cornerstone Confessions

Reading List: Cozy Reading Spot

9 responses to “The Planner Habit -Makeover Monday”

  1. Barbie Avatar

    You make it look so easy. I have always had a hard time with planners. I am anxiously awaiting my Simplified Planner to arrive. I need to organize my life in a big way. Have a blessed week.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      A planner is a tool that helps me stay on track for sure, Barbie! I want to share this gest post with you to consecrate your new planner- I loved this post so much! Praying for you and all of the plans He has for you!


  2. Barbie Avatar

    Thank you Dawn!


  3. Toni C Avatar

    I’m exhausted just reading all this. As the queen of procrastination, I’d have to plan to work on the planner to plan things!!!! Funny thing is, I do love planners – the more pockets the better for all the scraps of paper in my life. Maybe for 2015 I will make my one word “plan” 🙂 Thanks for providing all the pics and details…gives me something to aspire to!!


  4. brian miller Avatar

    i am really not good with a planner…but i have to keep one for work…meeting dates…but that is about all that go in mine….i used to be very fastigous with mine once upon a time…smiles.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      It actually pains me that you saw this post…and makes me smile. I did write a poem, fresh from the pen. Thanks for the visit. Missing dverse…I am such a creature of habit. LOL. All must fit into the plan, or planner as the case may be!


  5. Incognito Coffee Chat @ My New Arc Planner | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] To see my previous Planner for 2013- 2014 Check this POST.  […]


  6. Color Coding, Creativity and Calendars- Oh My! | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] preference may change over time and that is good, because that means you are actively pursuing the Planner Habit…and that is a good habit to maintain, regardless of the style of pages, or system you use. […]


  7. Choosing Success in the New Year: The Woman’s Success Planner™Review | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] Back in November of 2013, I made a strange discovery: Planner Videos on You Tube. Hot diggety Dog, I fell into a strange trance and found myself dirtying a lot of dishes so I could watch the videos while washing dishes…guilt free. Of course there are only so many dishes one can wash, and there seems to be a vortex of Planning videos to get sucked into on any given day. Needless to say, I was smitten with planner love. I felt compelled to watch planner videos, while applying washi tape (YES, I was introduced to that addiction from these crazy planner people!) and pondering the many reasons I needed to STOP biting my cuticles and nails (To make my own planner videos, of course) and the variety of nail polish colors available to the discriminating polish aficionado. The result was a makeover to the current planner I carried…and it was rather frightful in retrospect (Check it out HERE). […]


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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