How Can I Help?

My life is an open book.

Messy, but definitely open.

Words matter. I take the time to choose words that make a difference and have an impact on my readers. Whether writing a blog post, poem, personal journal entry or public product review, words have the power to open minds, expand hearts and empower those reading. I take the work I do and the words I write seriously. I carefully consider what appears and is shared here. Words matter.

Products I am willing to review (2024): Planners, Journals, Notebooks, Pens, Stationary. If you would like me to review your product- please e-mail me at

What people are saying…

Dawn Paoletta writes as if you are sharing a cup of coffee together, sharing experiences and life. 

Christine Miranda – Owner, Road So Far Leather

Her writing is full of humor, spiritual insight and gritty honesty…”

Susie Klein- Author, Walking Butterfly

Dawn has a way of writing that is refreshing to the soul and makes you feel like she is present with you as you read.

Jeannie Pallett- Author, Beckoned by the King

Want to know more?

I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

Social-Media Free (mostly)

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