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Yesterday I stated that the best way to celebrate your birthday every day is by giving yourself away. I want to clarify. I’m not talking about selling yourself out, or being taken advantage of in any way- don’t misunderstand.

I am talking about being a willing giver.

We all have something to give, don’t we? Whether time, talent, cash, caring or creativity. None of us is ever truly empty-handed.

Each year as my birthday rolls around, I start to thinking what I would like to have…only to come to the same conclusion, I really need nothing.

Ultimately, I  consider the abundance I have because of what has been given to me in Christ. It is a wealth I don’t deserve, but I with open hands receive. I haven’t earned it. I’m not that good. But, I- through faith am grafted into an eternal goodness that is more secure than any homeland security we will ever know.

This is why it thrills me to be able to give a few favorite things (to one person) that foster joy in my life regularly, as I celebrate another year that has been given and anticipate the one to come.

Three talented individuals are offering up a special something unique to their own gifting as part of this Birthday Bundle Giveaway. I hope to share more about them individually in the days ahead, but to get you started on the giveaway

My dear friend, and fellow blogger Susie Klein has written a book that is beautiful and a blessing. If you think you need to earn God’s approval, or love, and your walk of faith feels more like tiptoeing through a minefield, then I know you will benefit by reading and journaling your way through Susie’s words. This book is a perfect accompaniment for Quiet Time anytime! Susie has graciously sent me a copy to give away. But, I will add – you won’t be disappointed if you go and treat yourself to this book as a Morning Journal and Devotional supplement. AT 9.99 (at the time of this writing) it is a great deal. I bought mine right away and was reading it and grateful for the light it shed as I sat in waiting room after waiting room with my  mom in the early stages of her Cancer Battle/Journey. A great gift for your soul.



I am thrilled to have connected with a former Rhode Islander and fellow Planner Pal. Christine Miranda lives in Texas but we have become good friends thanks to the great and wonderful World Wide Web! Christine has recently started her own business called Crisdori Studios and she is hard at work customizing beautifully crafted, leather journals called Traveler’s Notebooks. These journals make lovely Quiet Time, Prayer and Praise journals. Which is exactly why we are including them in the Birthday Bundle. As many of you already know, over the past year or two, I have become quite enamored with these lovely little “journal jackets”. They hold one or more notebooks and can be personalized in a variety of ways to accommodate the journal keeper’s desires. Christine sent me one Field Notes size in Toasty Orange, a color she created with me in mind! This size is wonderfully portable.




Local artisan and RockYouWear creator , Brandon Thursby is my favorite local artist, because he creates jeweler out of my favorite objects of affection, beach-stones. Brandon once created a couple of planner charms from white stones in a moon and star shape for my first Traveler’s Notebook which was Navy Blue. He is talented and you can read more about him HERE. Brandon takes local stones and creates unique pieces. I own a few RockYouWear necklaces. I collect beach-stones and even have  created prayer stones with many (that’s a post for another day). Brandon chose an exquisite piece to give one lucky recipient- I’m Jelly!

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Last but not least of all, I am giving something I hold near and dear to my heart and faith walk, and that is The Word of God. I picked up the cute Butterfly Bible (below) at the beginning of Summer at Hobby Lobby. I thought it was really cute and portable. But I am not getting any younger and Bible Print is not getting any bigger…so, I decided to give this sweet portable feast along with the Walking Butterfly book as they seem to go together.

As you can see my birthday gift to you – if it was mine to give- would be the gift of greater intimacy with the Lord. The way I see it, these tools will help foster it, well.





To enter I have tried to make it beneficial to those who donated these gifts- would you pay it forward by checking them out, following them on their journeys and sharing this post? Thanks so much, and may you be blessed and a blessing today!

Pop on over and enter for a chance to win…and share away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Contest closes August 31 @12:00AM (Please note: this giveaway is open to US residents only- thank you for your understanding) *

16 responses to “Have You Ever Seen a Walking Butterfly? Birthday Bundle Giveaway”

  1. Heidi Avatar

    My biggest hinderance is keeping a schedule. With the kids back in school, and me back to work at school I am hoping to get a working schedule going again after being off one for the summer. I do believe that God loves me just the way I am, but believing and remembering don’t always go hand in hand. Loved the post yesterday about giving away part of you all year to keep your birthday going all year. Just love your enthusiasm and love of God and the messages you share.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thanks, Heidi! I can understand the challenge of trying to juggle all the balls! Sometimes when I have been squeezed with schedule, I have used devotionals like Our Daily Bread and I will carry a scripture on index card for memorizing, meditation and reminding. Routines are challenging to start but once established things get smoother, at least I am also telling myself that! lol. Take care and best wishes with all!


  2. How To Celebrate Your Birthday Every Day and a Giveaway! | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] Updated: 8/24/16 Here is the link for the Giveaway!  […]


  3. Barbara Avatar

    What awesome giveaways! Thank you Dawn for sharing YOUR special day by sharing YOU and offering such amazing giveaways! Happy Birthday to you!

    Excited to check out Susie’s book; love the butterfly…and that companion butterfly journal; the necklace is awesome; love things made from nature-found stuff…yay! Somebody is going to be VERY LUCKY to get this birthday bundle!!


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Oh, the journal is actually the Leather orange- the Butterfly companion is a Bible (NIV). Just to be clear!


  4. Susie Klein Avatar

    Oh this bundle is wonderful and I am so honored to have my book included! Dawn you have been a faithful cheerleader as I wrote it and published it and now as I try to market it and get WALKING BUTTERFLY out there for others to enjoy! Thank you Dear Dawn, I love you so!


  5. dawnlizjones Avatar

    I entered, but not sure if I did it right, technology and all that! What a terrific and creative idea!! Happy Birthday to you, Dawn!!


  6. RaShea~ Avatar

    Happy Birthday my friend!!! I read my bible almost every day, for I am lost without his word guiding me! I journal along as I read my bible and I journal at night little snippets here and there so soothing to the soul! My biggest hindrance in my relationship with God is that I am a sinner living in a fallen world and I often live in my flesh!! Man is very hard to please and I so often forget that I am not created to please man, on the other hand God is not hard to please. Grace, it’s all grace!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. kelrohlf Avatar

    Happy Day that YOU were born! I love this bundle…what a blessing you are. Journaling is one of my favorite ways to connect with God, his word and his heart.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. cookbkcollector Avatar

    I’ve been following Susie Klein’s blog for a while now so I’m excited about this giveaway. I’ve tried in the past to both regularly read the bible & journal but I’ve always had trouble staying with it. Part of it has to do with another question you asked-do you think you have to please God? ( that’s not it exactly). On one level I know that God already loves me & is looking out for me but on another level it’s like but I still have to be worthy of it, am I doing good enough etc. it’s gotten worse over the years since I was diagnosed with Lupus & Fibromyalgia. Having chronic illnesses with major pain & becoming more diabled all the time brings a lot of questioning of God’s plan & love & leaves me more confused. I’m hoping I can try to use bible reading to quiet my mind, to relax & accept instead of fighting & questioning everything. Thanks for the chance to win these. I will be looking to buy Susie’s book, a bible for journaling etc.if I’m not lucky enough to win.


  9. SDJaxson (@SuziesView) Avatar

    Dawn happy Birthday my sweet friend. I love your giving heart it inspires me so much. Your friends are so generous too! I loved hearing about each one of the friends talents & their gifts they shared with you. This is a fabulous giveaway! I have never owned a Travelers as you know I just did my first journal endeavor on your #21dayjij . I currently am reading the Book of Revelation in the Bible. I love spending time with God but at times in my life I let the business of life get to me and get me to busy but we should NEVER be to busy for God he is what is MOST important amen!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. SDJaxson (@SuziesView) Avatar

    and oooo also I LOVE that necklace. I would love that and it is awesome its made by a local RI artist yay!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. ohkindly Avatar

    Happy Birthday Dawn, and what a wonderful giveaway. Everything is so beautifully crafted, and from the heart. You know some truly generous and talented artisans for sure. I’ve followed them all and look forward to browsing their work more in depth.

    As far as my reply to the questioned you asked: After many years of lapsed faith I have been stepping back into the light that is my relationship with God. Doing this by reading the bible when I can, and opening my heart to the good that exists around me. I realize my relationship with Him is an open ended book and is something I need to continue to work on daily.

    Thank you again for the opportunity! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thank you! I love your perspective… “I realize my relationship with Him is an open ended book and is something I need to continue to work on daily.” I pray His grace and truth be like a blooming flower in you, abundant and beautiful! Good luck!


  12. createwithjoy Avatar

    I hope you had a wonderful birthday Dawn – I also recently celebrated mine and I thought of you! 🙂

    What a lovely giveaway! Yes, I regularly read my Bible and I journal. Recently I’ve started doing creative journaling in my Bible and I am loving that as well! 🙂

    I love all that you share, even if I don’t comment as often as I’d like!

    Have a blessed year, dear friend!

    Liked by 1 person

I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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