200 Day Journal Prompt 63

200 Day Journal Prompt 63

Welcome, welcome, welcome… are you ready to respond with pen and paper? Then let’s not waste time, but get down to it!

Prompt 63: Who’s on your Gratitude List?

Ready, set, PURGE….

Set your mind to ponder and your pen to purge a short or long list…This would be a great opportunity if you have time, to do a a fast as you can write in 5-7 minutes dashing off the names that come to your mind.

You can aim for an exhaustive list that you come back and add to periodically, if you’re thinking Bullet Journal style you could have a “Collection” .

OR you can just focus on a short list, maybe more recent in time frame to limit. So if you are short on time or just want to more with incremental groupings, maybe focus on this week, or this month.

Once you have the Gratitude List, now you can determine what you want to do with it.

~Write individual vignettes, or short memory reflections of why the person made it to the list- supposing it’s not a family member or friend, but perhaps a shorter term friendship, or acquaintance. Maybe even someone who was a casual encounter that blessed you in some way, or taught you and unexpected lesson, or helped you see things with a different perspective. We have so many interactions and encounters with others…even in this time we are living with Pandemic limitations. Maybe this exercise might help us to be more sensitive to those with whom we do cross paths! Write about and remember the details of what made the person, interaction or encounter unique.

~Write a short prayer for each of those on your list.

~Write a note to the person expressing why you are thankful for them or encouraging them. Sometimes writing words out in this way- directly as if you are speaking to the person allows one to get more comfortable with sharing honest thoughts more readily. Writing to a person sometimes allows us to be courageous and clearer in our communication. Try it. These are journal notes, unsent. Although you may be inspired to send a note or two after you do this exercise.


You can do sketched list- do you like to draw mini-portraits, doodles or quick sketches? Make your list a face list! Yu can use a ruler to create small boxes, calendar style if you like. Or use any shape border you want or none at all, just a compilation of faces. Enhance with words as you like.


Create a collage if you have images that work to remind you of the person or an actual picture. This may be harder if it was a casual encounter, but will work for those you are grateful for that you have images of you can print. Add words as you like.

Any combination of these, or keep it simple and sweet with a Gratitude List as you wish!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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