

 “This is a test of the Emergency Writers System. The writers of your area in voluntary cooperation with the federal, state and local writing authorities have developed this system to keep you informed in the event of a writing emergency.”

Are you having a writing emergency?

Have you run out of ideas to write about, or has your muse up and left the country?

Is the the blank page holding you hostage?

Do you wonder if anyone is reading anything you write?

Have you had too little time to write recently due to schedule constraints?

Do you feel as though your writing well has gone dry?

Do you feel stuck in the mud with any part of your writing life?


Whatever your writing 911, there is help.

Your mission- if you choose to take it?

Respond to one of the questions above, in your journal, on a napkin,  for your blog, on a blank canvas or your bathroom mirror.

Write about it!

Ask why. And why , again and again.

Go deep, deeper, and deeper still!


Meanwhile, if you are writing, what are you writing? What is your focus? What is your intention? What are you hoping to attain or accomplish?

If you are writing for the Write 31 Days, leave a link for me or hare your thoughts in the comments below.

If you are reading along with this series, I want to say THANK YOU! 

This is my story…this is my song.

I am Writing Redeemed in October for 31 Days, 

See ALL the posts as they are published write HERE! 

5 responses to “What Are You Writing?”

  1. Barbara London Avatar

    I always love reading your posts!!! Why don’t I do it more often? Well, finding time for writing, reading AND crafting, not to mention a husband and a cat that need me…I AM trying to do the write 31 days; but had to “abandon” my old blog…well, that’s not exactly true. I messed up the email address somehow and now cannot get back into it. BUT,never fear, I am not giving up!! I have created a NEW blog and am in the process of entering my HAND-WRITTEN FMF free writes into that one. The first 5 days are on the old blog; and are showing up in the new landing page I created…So, Days 1 – 5 are on old blog; and the rest will be on the new one…LONG COMMENT!!!

    So, my new blog is called “Through the Hard Times”. I plan to write a post about the background of why I named it that, and the scripture base I used!



    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thank you for sharing your new blog, Barbara! I was wondering how you were doing with October’s challenge. I am having quite a time squeezing in the daily posts as well… but I think that is what a challenge is supposed to do- motivate us to do what we don’t feel we can do at the time… then in doing we are reminded , affirmed in the reality : we can! Hugs! I’ll be visiting over the weekend!


  2. Sylvia R Avatar

    Here’s what I’m writing:
    and I think you’ll see the focus and purpose, and how the mass of work was in other than in the actual writing.
    Write on!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cecelia Lester Avatar
    Cecelia Lester

    Last Monday, I couldn’t get my computer to load. Tuesday,I had to call someone I know who repairs computers. I took it out Tuesday afternoon and just this afternoon (Friday) received it back I spent part of the time studying a notebook I created a few years ago. I need to put into practice what I read. I also spent time thinking on my blog topics for next year.


  4. Barbie Swihart Avatar

    I think I write in zombie mode most of the time. There are so many things I want to write about, but right now my blog is held hostage with the 31 days, which I am actually doing okay at. I miss reading your blog. Need to change that. Have a fabulous weekend.


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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