photo credit: <a href="">Corrie...</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

One thing you can count on in life is the fact that time does indeed  go on. Some days the best laid out plans fall by the way side and we can feel discouraged that we have not been productive or frustrated with the way things have turned out. May I offer a word of encouragement ? From one who has had to learn the lesson repeatedly and is, maybe finally getting it, I offer you this simple truth:

God never leaves His throne. 

Friends, this one simple reality can bring peace to the day that just snapped, crackled and popped! Better still acknowledging and affirming this in your unplanned moments will keep you from snapping, crackling or popping. Can I get an Amen?


I know the posts have been a bit long, and I promised short, so with a fun poem today I offer you what I hope is a humorous look at those days that get away from us. A sense of humor can go a long way on those well planned days that get turned topsy-turvy and upside down. Keeping one eye on the horizon of grace and the other looking for the lighter side of things might be just what is needed on…

The Day That Got Away

There it was,
there it went.
Where has it gone?

I wish I knew
but I suspect,
as I stifle back my yawn-
it slipped away,
my today
never to return-

a mystery
for which
now I yearn.

Too late, too short,
without further adieu,

I bid you sweet farewell
Be gone now,


Procrastinated plans,
interruptions in my day,
set me on a treadmill
of multiple delays.

So now I see the clock has ticked it’s final tock,
I will hope my tomorrow
wears a more productive frock.

For now I say, Ta-Ta
and I wave my hand goodbye
sweet dreams today,
Tomorrow’s my ally.

©2012-2014 Dawn Paoletta/Enthusiastically, Dawn


A Practical Tip: It’s good to make your plan for the day, but recognize that when things don’t go according to your plan it doesn’t mean that they are not happening according to His.  Go ahead and plan tomorrow.

Quotesto Ponder:

If we cannot believe God when circumstances seem be against us, we do not believe Him at all. ~ Charles Spurgeon

The world changes – circumstances change, we change – but God’s Word never changes ~ Warren Wiersbe

A  Prayer for  Today: Lord, You spoke the world into existence. Nothing is too hard for you. Help me balance living, planning and listening to You. I want to live a life that acknowledges always Your Sovereign Hand. I pray that my faith would be magnified gloriously in difficult circumstances.  I ask that I would magnify you and minimize my circumstance according to Your eternal perspective. Grow me in grace and truth. In Jesus Name, Amen.


This is Day 9 of the series Planning with Purpose: 31 Days of Planner Tips

I wrote an INTRO POST here explaining everything!

I have also made designated a PAGE for it. Hope this makes it easy. I am happy to tackle a topic, or issue with regard to your planner habits.

Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me. 

final with bigger31

I pray this series is a blessing to you. 

Linking with:

 Create with Joy for Friendship Friday

Missional Women for Faith-filled Fridays

5 responses to “The Day That Got Away (When Things Don’t Go As You Planned)”

  1. rebekahnyakairu Avatar

    Great fun encouragement! Perfect timing for me to read as today did not go as planned 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Barbara London Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your day that got away! I can certainly relate! Some days, when I have NO PLACE to go…I do things around the apartment, and spend A LOT of time on the computer – between an online tax course, writing ahead for my blog, checking e-mail and FaceBook…not to mention the “housework” ugh!!…Well, needless to say, I look at the clock and it’s…TIME TO FIX DINNER; time for bed…and another day! Enjoyed the poem and your post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lynndiane Avatar

    Oh, I really like your poem, Dawn…and “God never leaves his throne” – i needed that today. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tami Avatar

    I give up so easily. Thank you for the reminder that I should still plan for the next day. 🙂


  5. Introducing Planning with Purpose: 31 Days of Planner Tips – October 1-31 | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] Day 9: The Day That Got Away (When Things Don’t Go As You Planned) […]


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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