
Honestly, I am weird. It’s ok if you agree, but as I pondered Lisa-Jo’s prompt today, I held in my hands a pack of 100 freshly pressed, brand new Index Cards and they brought me a ridiculous, undeniable joy.

Stationary, pens, cards are all grand, and truly I love them all…

but consider the Index Card, for a moment.

3×5 straight up possibility, right there.

When I look upon that rectangular card,

my lips curl to a smile.

I’m not sure, but I suspect,

they inspire my inner child!

Not only are they versatile

They stand alone

or neatly in a pile

In my little index card box

Or in my Quotations file

A notepad or journal for other times will do

But there are certain things that only index cards can do

Like help you organize your thoughts,

Or study for a test

compose your latest essay

Or speak your very best

Doubles as mini canvas

Quick list for the store

An artist drawing board,

Captures quotes, votes, and more

Oh, index card you do employ

 many wonderful attributes,

and yes, you bring great joy!

Fun, spontaneous I-it’s ok if you agree I’m weird finding joy in this but it’s the little things… and timing, right? Counting my blessings today. Starting with 100 possibilities!

Linking with Lisa-Jo

Five Minute Friday

10 responses to “Ode to the Index Card (Joy)”

  1. Susan Wachtel Avatar

    Dear Dawn,

    Love the index card with scripture. I too like the index cards and use them to help me memorize scripture. Love the card you had…does it come already decorated or did you do that?

    Blessings in Christ…Susan


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Hi Susan, I used a Stamping’ Up stamp! I also recently started using wash take for my scripture cards…I am loving that my eyes enjoy the pretty of it as well as the words!


  2. Missy Avatar

    Oh, those index cards bring me a special joyous thrill, too, Dawn!


  3. Kel Rohlf Avatar

    Not weird at all…the joy of possibilities and index cards make me smile too! Love your ode!


  4. shortybear Avatar

    Your not weird my friend, love you.


  5. jeni4b Avatar

    Hi Dawn, the last post on my blog is an Ode, not to the same thing but is it mere coincidence? To get so much uses or value out of a product. Isn’t it always especially joyous


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      I will go and check it out- Thanks for visiting!


    2. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Jen, would you mind sending me a link, I am having trouble finding you… sometimes I am dense in figuring out WordPress or details of getting around! Would love to read your ode…


      1. jeni4b Avatar

        Hi Dawn, I think dense is a fitting description of me and my trials with my blog, at times, even as long as I’ve been using it. I’m only now noticing these updates at the top of my screen.

        So the odes were merely coincidences… Wow! Some coincidence. Here’s the link to my ode:

        I absolutely love your header here. It’s the prfect epitome of my Backyard Beauty concept.


  6. Rachel Avatar

    Oh, the possibilities – such a joy! Love your poem 🙂


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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