Writing to God (Week 3)

Here we meet again, Friends. Welcome to the water hole. Here we sit on the banks of His grace, rest for awhile, exchange a few gifts from our journey, before we head back out onto our journey. Each of us travels on a path laid out by the Lord who longs to lead us on our own unique path.We walk onward through this season toward one common destiny. 
Well, how are you doing with your Writing to God? Please do not worry about whether you are ahead, behind or right on time, because wherever you are is exactly where you need to be! Take it one day at a time. Share from wherever you are, or are not! It’s OK any which way. Just write from where you are and join right in! Don’t mind the days, whether you started exactly on time. Is all that matters is that you are here now. Just. Write. Now. God will be blessed and more-so, you will be!
For me this journey is surprising. I love that I find myself able to read the scripture prompt and the writing shared and am able to write easily. I have found the prose Rachel shares blesses me immensely! 
The scripture prompts focus my writing. The limited writing space (I have not allowed myself extra pages – I need to learn to restrain my words a bit and listen more readily!) also helps to still my rambling mind!
Feel free to write a post and share the link OR just informally share in the comments your thoughts, words and insights.  
This past week I have sensed Him drawing me back to my journal. Our journal, I should say. A favorite meeting place is this book that holds my thoughts, dreams, burdens. Yet lately days go by and pages lay bare. I have busied myself and each day seems to come and go. The morning beckons early, night-time closes in, my eyes grow heavy before the pen meets Him in this particular quiet place.
He has whispered to me ever so gently, graciously and lovingly to slow down, take time to smell the roses. He is the Rose I long to smell. 
The divine aroma of His presence is what I have been longing for in the busy moments that carry me through the day. He is there. I find myself grateful for the abiding.
Full are the days and each has enough trouble therein. Yet the beauty is the comfort of His presence. Always.

My share for this week: Day 8 
Heartache/James 5:7-11

Lord, this patience is hard.
Very hard.
I feel alone; parched-
thirsty for rain from Heaven.
Lord, establish my heart in this season.
Where husband and daughter seek water in other places
and I am left seeking your grace and face alone.
Where prayers prayed together seem void of your majesty, somewhat unworthy,
and thanksgivings by rote leave me longing for a kindred soul.
Lord, this patience is hard, when I long for that which is not.
Physical, spiritual-
 I wait with hope in you- as you conform me, mold me in this waiting.
I trust the working of your hand,
though seemingly unseen, working behind the scenes to glorify your handiwork;
Your Sovereignty.
Yes, surprise me with strength and grace, you do…and rain from Heaven you give.
I lift my face to the sky.
I wait.

See you next week.
May your journey this week lead you deeper.

14 responses to “Writing to God (Week 3)”

  1. Denise Avatar

    I am really enjoying this.


  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Thank you for giving me the courage and inspiration to write about my faith journey as it currently stands! Your words have been a blessing to me, and the fruit of this blessing can be found here: http://www.biscuitfeatures.com/learning-to-trust-him/


  3. Gina Avatar

    Thanks for Shari g this post! I find you words very uplifting and inspiring:) Fill free to look me up…… gina-walksinlife.blogspot.com


  4. Stacy Avatar

    I understand completely what you are talking about when you write of those seeking water in other places. Sigh. It is so hard to listen to women in my women's group talk about praying with their husbands or actually doing bible studies with them. We just keep praying and trying to be patient. I shared from Day 12 on my blog: http://livedwell.blogspot.com/2013/03/please-take-moment-to-fill-out-survey.html


  5. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Praying for you, Denise.


  6. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Appreciate your honest and authentic sharing, Bekky! So glad you are following His lead!


  7. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Hi Gina, I am grateful that you are uplifted inspired by what you read here! That is my prayer. Take care.


  8. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    We are serious Soul Sistas, Stacy!


  9. Ren Avatar

    I've been sick and doped up on cold medicine. I'll catch up though'


  10. Kel Rohlf Avatar

    Hello everyone! The prayer that stood out to me this week in Writing to God was Unceasing Prayer…I wrote the first line of Rachel Hackenberg's poem in my journal as a prompt to start my own unceasing prayer litany: Here's what surfaced… “I pour out prayers for this day, O Spirit, like water from a pitcher.” (Hackenberg)In my responses I tried to use synonyms for the word “pray” to start each line…I pray for light to see the wayI ask for peace to be stillI long for rest and sleepI beg for mercy freshnessI confess my daily need of your love-love expressed in words, in actions and activitiesI appreciate Your tender heart and compassion, your forgiveness and deep graceI acclaim your honor and worth and all encompassing lifeI hope to do You good and not harm all the days of my lifeI also liked the Recycling prayer written around the recycle symbol: Refresh me, Reuse me, and Remind me…that would be a cool prayer to rewrite in our own words with three re- words that resonate with us in our season of life. I think I will try it tomorrow and let you know which three words God gives me! Good night and keep writing to God. Peace-Kel


  11. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Ren, hoping you feel better. Yes, you will!


  12. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Beautiful, Kel. Thanks for sharing! Off to do the Recycle exercise now!


  13. Kel Rohlf Avatar

    Dawn- Here are my three recycle prayer phrases:Review meRevise meRewrite me 🙂


  14. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Nice, Kel! I like the rewrite me, especially!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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