Take Heart

Then Jesus’ disciples said, “Now you are speaking clearly and without figures of speech. Now we can see that you know all things and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.”
 “You believe at last!” Jesus answered. “But a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.
 “I have told you these things, 
so that 
in me 
you may have peace.
 In this world 
you will have trouble. 
take heart
I have overcome the world.”

Take heart my friends, He has overcome. 
Let us not be surprised by the trouble he said we would have 
but instead let us look full well at Him-
for He has overcome!
Have a blessed Sunday!

10 responses to “Take Heart”

  1. Wendy Avatar

    Quote: “Take heart my friends, He has overcome. Let us not be surprised by the trouble he said we would have but instead let us look full well at Him-for He has overcome!”((( Amen )))Thank you for linking up with Scripture Sunday this week… it's a pleasure hosting a link back to this site 😀


  2. Cherry Avatar

    Linking up after you at The Sunday Community – thank you for these beautiful words, reminding me this morning that though we have troubles in this world, that “in Me” we can have peace. Amazing, and so wonderful …


  3. My Life as a Mom Avatar

    We are neighbors today at Jumping Tandem. Love this photo and verse!www.toshowthemjesus.com


  4. Caroline Avatar

    John 16:33 is one of my very, very favorite verses. Thank you for sharing it today.


  5. Christine Avatar

    Visiting from Wendy's link up. John 16:33 is one of my favorite verses too. Each day certainly has enough trouble of its own. Praise God that He has overcome, so that we can too!


  6. Pamela M. Steiner Avatar

    Wonderful words of encouragement and hope when we feel overwhelmed by life's circumstances. Yes, indeed, “Take heart”…Jesus has overcome the world, and through Him, we also are overcomers. Amen!


  7. caryjo Avatar

    If He had not overcome the world, we would be nowhere with any blessings from our dear Lord. Our world is very overcoming and overgrown in sin — I'm so blessed to be freed by Him.


  8. Diane Avatar

    Just found you through Wendy's blog and what a delight to be here. Your post is so encouraging…such an amazing promise from our sovereign God. I also LOVE your blog…what fun to have the splashy wave sounds to match your decor. I'll be back!


  9. Anonymous Avatar

    have heart 🙂


  10. BARBIE Avatar

    Love this verse. So thankful that I am an over comer because He already overcame!


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