photo credit: brighter than sunshine lightness via photopin (license)


As a new year starts many consider setting goals.

As I consider my goals, I can’t help but consider the One who is my ultimate goal… my aim always,  but articulated and affirmed in my One Word 2018.

As we move forward into all God has for us in this new year, may we affirm and acknowledge Him, trusting His purposes and plans will always come to pass. May our will be in harmony with His.





Jesus, you are my body…


I thank you for a body to step into time and life today

To live and move and have my being

upon this good earth,

being with the ones you have chosen for me

to walk alongside, this side of eternity

May I make choices in the time

you have given that show I esteem

you above all else. I thank you that I am

fearfully and wonderfully made-

fearfully and wonderfully made!


Jesus, you are my mind…


I thank you for the mental and intellectual capacities

you have given me- I praise you that the power

to be transformed and continually renewed  day by day

comes from intimacy with you-

may I never neglect the reality of your

presence and power within me, for I have your mind

and you have said it…

this great freedom that you bring has come

at great cost to you, my King-

at great cost to you, my King.


Jesus, you are my heart…


I thank you that I have a new heart empowered

to love like you, for you are love,  and I am

your expression of love here today.

May I learn what it means to love like you

have loved me, withholding nothing, despite the lack

of love, gratitude, mercy extended or returned…

May  your love, be evident in my everyday expressions

among common folks in ordinary places

Lord, who loves like you?

Lord, who loves like you?


Jesus, you are  my spirit and soul,


Thank you, Lord, Mighty God, Savior, Prince of Peace-

You alone still my stirred waters,

You alone are my peace amidst the whirlwinds,

floods, and avalanches of this life.

You extend your hand to me though I am sinking

walking on waters, you lift me from the depths.

Never alone am I for you alone uphold me

forever and ever by your right hand,

forever I am yours,

forever I am yours.


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3 responses to “Affirming the Life of Christ Within”

  1. dorissavanover Avatar

    Beautiful! and so moving…thank you.


  2. dorissavanover Avatar

    shared this on Facebook with the words “beautifully inspiring post by Enthusiasticallydawn.com at wordpress”


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Hi Doris, I am just seeing this now for some reason, but thank you so much!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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