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    This past first day of 2018, I sat with my freshly brewed coffee, open Bible, and journal pondering the year and pages before me.  I had already reconciled the fact that I felt no specific nudging toward a new word for 2018- I was ready to continue walking with my One Word for 2017 (Light)  into this new year. I also realized I was enjoying following the current scripture reading plan I was following, so no need to change that either.

If you are wondering about that reading plan, I am following the daily readings from my Sacred Ordinary Days Liturgical Planner  – It took me a while find my rhythm so though I am still learning about the church calendar and historical relevance I find it has blessed my daily quiet time and supported my writing goals and focus perfectly.

That might lead one to wonder what my writing goals are…well, in brief, my next BIG project does involve the liturgical calendar. I have a number of other projects in varying stages of development, but this one will be my heart! Those of you who follow me for my Poetry and Devotional writing, this one will be for you! I know as I have opened the doors to include my planner passion here on the blog some of you may have felt left in the dust. Trust me I have been working behind the scenes on improving my craft…and hope that it will emerge soon. Soon, being about a year…depending which direction I go. Indie or otherwise. I covet your prayers! Above all, I trust in the One who inspires me to write and share my writing. May the words of my mouth, (pen and keys) and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to God and useful in bringing glory to His name and encouragement to His people. Amen.

Which brings me to the major epiphany I am longing to share…my One Word 365.

Back to that coffee and Bible, I  mentioned. I was bringing all of the goings on of my meandering mind before the Lord, and a thought just popped into my head. Not the kind that is like, BAM! It was more of a sauntering in, and sitting with you kind of moment. As if it just pulled up its own chair sat beside me.

That walking-in thought looked like this…

well, it’s been a year of walking in the light, with the Light. Here it is the first day of the New Year. No word…

I pray saying,

I am OK with it, Lord. It’s good. 

I open up that liturgical planner to the date to read, and I notice the first day of the year is noted as the Holy Name of Jesus / New Year’s Day. My mind and prayer conversation begin to include this note… and I start to ponder The Name above all Names. I am wondering why the One who was the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us, couldn’t be my word, how He IS the Word- wouldn’t that just make the most sense, I wonder…and I begin to meditate on the scripture and as I do, I feel an incredible joy in my heart, as if the light switch turned not on but up…from bright to brighter and brightest! Why not? YES! Yes, to Jesus…the One who is the ultimate YES!

Two songs come to my mind during this time. Because He Lives and the words Nothing But The Name of Jesus. Which I realize is in reality – after a hymnal check- Nothing But The Blood of Jesus. Which led me to praise Him for the blood He shed at Calvery for me…for you…for US! Because His Name is made powerful in us because of the blood.

I start to contemplate the Name and the Blood. The blood gives the Name the power and the Name’s purpose is fulfilled in the blood…it was His sacrifice, His blood that ushered in the newness of life that is possible – the blood that saves, cleanses and the Name that frees and empowers.

It was His name that made the offering acceptable to God…that Wonderful Name. The blood of Jesus and the name of Jesus are synonymous. For without the Name of Jesus- God’s One and Only Son, the perfect sacrificial Lamb, there is no atonement for sin. Without the blood that was shed…an acceptable offering we would have no way to be reconciled to God. We would be left in our own righteousness, which is as filthy rags.  Instead, because of Jesus, we are brought near to God… cleansed, through the blood of the Lamb who was slain for our sins.

We get HIS righteousness in exchange for our filthy rags…He got the Cross. It’s mindboggling! It’s amazing. Grace is earth-shattering, mind-blowing, and incomprehensible. There is nothing ordinary about the Name of Jesus.

Not this Jesus, the One who was and is and is to come. This One who never changes, and is not hindered by the limitations of men, not contained in full in any denomination.

What we have in Jesus is a King, unlike any other King. A Lord above all Lords. A Savior that saves to the uttermost. There is nowhere you can go to escape His Love…it will pursue you relentlessly, and when you finally receive it and know it, you will regret the time you spent your life devoted to the pursuit of anything else! You, the pursued one will become the pursuer…His everlasting arms beneath and Banner of Love above. Forevermore. Pretty much the happiest ever after anyone could hope for…and so much more.

So, yeah…I am going with Jesus for the win.  I am leaning in close, and pursuing my beloved. I am taking no prisoners, but I hope to set a few captives free. My One Word this year,  is The Word…Jesus. I’m feeling pretty good about it. I am confident He’s   good with it, too.


Of course, a little poem to celebrate and kick off the New Year :


My arrow and aim

are one and the same, 

by the power of His blood

I am saved in His name!

Jesus My Lord, Savior, and King, 

All wisdom is yours

true freedom you bring.


Hey, if you stuck around and read to the end,  you deserve a reward! I know I went on more than I planned. Thanks for reading and I hope my words have encouraged you in some way tonight.

I’m hoping to share my lessons and conclusions with my One Word from 2017 shortly!

Have you chosen a word, made a resolution or two? 

I’d love to know, share with me, below! Ha…I am on a poetic roll.

13 responses to “My Arrow and Aim for 2018”

  1. Melissa Waters Avatar

    My word this year is Love. God is love and it is my desire to be too.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      That’s a great word, and a great goal, Melissa! I am sure He will lead you to a deeper understanding of His love and close intimacy through your choice. 😉


  2. dorissavanover Avatar

    Last year was a year of “fulfillment” and this year is the year of “freedom” – God fulfilled a desire to publish a book of blessings last year and He has been speaking to me of “freedom” recently. We have the freedom to be all He created us to be as we seek to share His love with others! I’ve never really thought of it as having one word for the year, but it definitely works for me.
    fyi – “going with Jesus this year” – yes! Your Word is definitely heaven-sent. Thank you for this post.


  3. Cecelia Avatar

    Dawn: My word for 2018 is OBEDIENCE. It has already changed me. I chose it back in the fall. But I still concentrated on PEACE for 2017, I find the new word in scripture that I have read several times but it stands out when I read the passages.


  4. sharongamble Avatar

    My word for the year didn’t “come” to me until today: LISTEN. Yep, that’s it. I need to listen to God more … to my spouse more … to children and friends … hearing their hearts behind their words … making sure any counsel I give comes through listening first so I understand their perspectives … And as far as listening to the Spirit … moment by moment … that’s what I want to be doing. ❤


  5. Huntress At Home Avatar

    I like the idea of having a word for the year! I do something similar, except in retrospect. Every year, on my birthday, I look back at the last year and describe it in one word. It is always a great time of reflection on what God has done in my life. I’m almost always able to see a pattern that God has woven through each year.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Affirming the Life of Christ Within | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] As I consider my goals, I can’t help but consider the One who is my ultimate goal… my aim always,  but articulated and affirmed in my One Word 2018. […]


  7. JoAnne Avatar

    My word last year was ‘order’….oh how I was whipped into shape…LOL Many good blessings came from having one word. For 2018 my one word is ‘focus’ and that has been a challenge already as I can be scattered …oh! so scattered. Jesus/Yeshua is my core so where I focus to draw to Him will be a journey this year. Thanks for your inspiring writings here. [started to ‘find you’ with your blog on Carie Harling Planner Pages]


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Hi Joanne! Thank you for “finding” me! I appreciate you taking the time and reading the words God lets me spill out here for better AND worse. 😉 I love Carie and her blessed plannerly heart! Stay in touch!


  8. jbstan7 Avatar

    I had a reply all typed out until I had to ‘sign in’ to WordPress. grrrrr.So I will start over….LOL
    My word last year was ‘order’….this year ‘focus’….As a very scattered person at times, I look forward to the focus exerted towards my core….Jesus/Yeshua. I loved reading this blog and the insights you already have gotten. Isn’t He just precious in His ability to touch? Blessings to you and thanks…. p.s….found you because of your entry in the Carie Harling Paper Planning blog….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      I have weird things like that happen to me, too! Ugh…now I always copy my comment if I think there will be any glitchiness…it’s so frustrating when that happens! Thanks for joining me here! Nice to meet you!Thanks for your kind words…


    2. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      I think I had a deja vu with your comment and now I see why!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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