
For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’  Acts 17:28 


Focus is a noun defined as “the center of interest or activity.”


If I asked you what you are focused on, you might want to have a more precise frame to consider in order to answer the question.

So, I might say, “What’s the “center of interest or activity” in this season of your life?

You might say, I have become a grandparent, or I’ve started a new job, career or maybe you’ve experienced job loss.

What is the Focus or center of interest or activity – for your life?

Now try this, if you write, blog, journal, draw, paint…whatever it is you create or spend oodles of time doing, dreaming about or expressing in some way…

Ask yourself the question (s):

What  is it I am focused on expressing or freeing from within? 

What does my creative expression focus on and how do I feel about it?

Is my focus – aligned with what I believe I desire my focus to be?

If not, why not?

I’ve been pondering a few things today and as always the Word of God guides me on paths  I need to go. The Spirit of Truth guides me into better understanding of what my individual expression needs to be. Where my focus needs to be. For me, I realize there s no other way…because The Way has been opened for me.

How about you?

In Luke  Chapter 9 (Verses 57-62) Jesus is approached by a number of people professing they will follow him, but only after they first address things in this life that most would say seem reasonable.

Yeshua said to him, “Whoever starts to plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62

How often do we say, Jesus, I’m following you, but first…

or Jesus , I’ll follow you, but if I do, you will guarantee  me …

How often do we try to set the terms of when, how, how far, and how much we will follow the one we call Savior, Lord…God Almighty.

Some of us won’t admit it but we have set the terms…and sometimes our focus is a bit like the farmer’s son who, when his father told him to focus straight ahead on a far away object in the distance while plowing, focused on a cow.

Needless to say, the rows plowed were crooked. Not ideal for farming…from what I gather. Certainly I am no farmer, but you get the point.

Some of us have shifted our focus from what really matters and allowed some lesser thing to distract us from plowing our lines here in this good earth.

Some of us are so busy watching what all the other farmers are doing on their farms that  we end up neglecting our own.

Some of us are so intimidated by the excellent lines plowed by more experienced farmers that we believe our own small efforts will be insignificant.

Some of us have fixed our eyes on past failures, victories, losses or gains and unable to see the present opportunities before us.

Some of us need to find a way to let that center of interest come into proper balance…expression, activity.

How are you expressing the Love of Christ in you? Let this be your nudge.

Let this be your focus…

let it be your center of interest and activity.

For in Him we Live and Move and have our Being…even as some of our own poets have said…


This is my story, this is my song…

Is your writing redeemed? 



I am Writing Redeemed in October for 31 Days, 

See ALL the posts as they are published write HERE! 






photo credit: e_lisewin il muro via photopin (license)

7 responses to “What is Your Focus?”

  1. lynn__ Avatar

    This is a soul-searching and inspiring post! I and a friend plan to start a writers’ group and this is worth discussing, if we may use it?! Thanks, Dawn.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Please do and let me know how it goes


      1. lynn__ Avatar
  2. bethanyk Avatar

    My focus is the internal part of me. I have never allowed myself to feel. I am allowing my entire being to feel everything. By doing this I allow God into every part of me and I am working on that connection too.


  3. Kel Avatar

    Pow! You got me right in the gut with this one…definitely going to read again and respond with words in my journal. Thanks …you’re writing is helping me redeem the days…keep writing, my friend!


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Kel, I so appreciate your presence here! I hope you are enjoying your trip…I think you are still travelling, yes?


  4. How I Stay Committed to My Writing Life | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] I think this is a great question for all of us, who take pen to paper or tap away on keys, to take time to ponder and ask ourselves. I guess we could change it around a bit and start with asking ourselves IF we are committed to our writing. Which I may have touched upon with the earlier post on Focus. […]


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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