Love is in the Air (Prompt 1)

photo credit: Brandon Christopher Warren via photopin cc
photo credit: Brandon Christopher Warren via photopin cc

“A lady’s imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.”  Jane Austen


Welcome to Prompt 1 of 21 Days of Journaling in June. Take a breath, read the prompt and see what moves you…or what motivates your pen to move. Grab your journal and a choice beverage, find a favorite place to write, and make yourself comfortable to just be still and enjoy wherever your mind goes.

Prompt 1: Write about how you met your significant other. Don’t get stuck in making it a perfect recollection; recall what is precious, amusing and unique! Have fun remembering. 


1. Write a short story or vignette in which your main character meets their significant other. Have fun letting your imagination dream up the characters, the setting and every creative detail as you wish!

2. Write a letter to your future (or current) Spouse. What do you want to tell them about yourself, your hopes, and dreams for the future, marriage and family (or the journey thusfar).

3. Write about your first crush/first love.

Have fun, choose the main prompt in Bold or another option based on your mood today! There are no rules, whatever strikes your fancy…just open your journal and write.

PS: And yes, you can tweak the prompts. As a fellow journal writer just said to me VERY recently (ahem, Lynn M.) “There is no wrong way to journal!”



This post is part of a series:

To find out more or see all posts for thr 21 Days of Journaling June  Click HERE

Also, I will be serving up alternative prompts and thoughts once a day on the Facebook page!

13 responses to “Love is in the Air (Prompt 1)”

  1. Barbie Avatar

    Fun. So we just hold these words in our journal? And then post something on random link up day?


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Barbie, yes- the prompts are for private journal with option to share. RJD is a place to share from past or current journals, that which you feel comfortable sharing. The focus is not so much the sharing during these 21 days but to write for your private self…for your private self. This may lead you to be more inspired in your public writing and/or you are free to share it (if comfortable) on the June or July Link. Hope this helps. The challenge for bloggers will be to find that naked voice – as opposed to the dressed voice. The voice that bares all in pages unshared. Hope this makes sense. However you go with it…keep it free and easy!


  2. lynndmorrissey Avatar

    I like your distinction betw. naked and dressed voice. Granted, journal entries can end up being shared publicly, but they don’t have to be. I love the invitational nature of your work, Dawn. An example of my naked voice was when I wrote about deep grief over my abortion. Actually I wrote about it in a public setting (at a journaling retreat) and had repressed writing about it that deeply for 18 years. The write was invitational. Had I written in a dressed up voice, I never would have bared my soul or written about it in the deep, cathartic, raw, and naked way I needed to. Then, in my case, I was invited to share…….purely invitational. And this, in a confidential, private setting among those who did not condemn, proved to be overwhelmingly freeing and healing. Years later, I chose to go public with the very prayer about my abortion in my book about journaling, Love Letters to God. Amazingly, God (who knew I would do this when I didn’t) allowed me to write “naked” in a way that was publishable (though I hadn’t known it). What you read in the book is exactly (barring maybe two or three words) exactly what I wrote in my journal. But I had to feel led of God to publish it. He directed me to publish in order to help other women. So I love what you are doing here, Dawn…..inviting others to share online, but only if they feel led or comfortable.

    Neat first prompt, too!


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      I just want to add for those reading this reply, Lynn’s book is one of the most poignant, beautiful, heart resonating works I have ever read. I believe I reviewed it on Good Reads. I will doble check! I can’t say enough about it being a book, I think most of my readers would absolutely cherish. Lynn is a true pioneer in Journal and reflective writing. IMHO. Thanks for your always thoughtful input, Lynn!


      1. lynndmorrissey Avatar

        Oh my word, Dawn. I am overwhelmed. You are so incredibly kind and generous. Yikes! I wasn’t doing a book commercial, but once I start writing about the abortion, I realize that it not been for journaling, God would not have healed me in the way that He did, and somehow it fit w/ your discussion of naked vs. dressed (and how sometimes our journals are actually “book fodder” to help others). You are kind beyond words. God bless you, Dawn. And you will not believe this! I am decluttering our walk-in, and I unearthed something I wrote when I was sixteen (not in a journal, but on random pieces of notebook paper) about being drawn to my now-husband Michael. He’s five years older than I and lived across the street back then! What fun it was to go back and to read what I had acutally written firsthand about my first love! How i love the written word to capture thoughts and later to be able to retrieve them! Thanks again, Dawn!


      2. lynndmorrissey Avatar

        I’m unfamiliar w/ Good Reads.


  3. Angie Webb Avatar

    Sounds fun.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Grab your journal and write your heart out, Angie!


  4. Deanna Avatar

    Oh, this single girl will be writing something fictional. I have so got to make some time tonight to write….otherwise I will start out behind.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      I am in the same boat! Did you see the prompts on Facebook? Check them out as well…I tried to keep it sort of open ended. And tweaking is FINE! Also so is writing for just 5, 10, 15 minutes with a timer. I might just do that. KInd of help the procrastinating I feel tonight….


  5. annb48 Avatar

    Your prompt really surprised me Dawn. I don’t know exactly what I expected, but I do know that this wasn’t it.
    I did have fun remembering way back into the 60s as I journaled about our meeting. And I got a little windy — like three full pages. And I could have gone on for more. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow will bring.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Expect many more surprises…and may your pen runneth out. LOL. But may you have many refills and lots of paper! 😉


  6. shortybear Avatar

    This so fun.


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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