Welcome to the first official, miscellaneous Monday/ coffee time with me post of 2013. Grab your coffee and let me tell you all about the hi-lights (edited) of my life since the start of the new year!
This is the second year in a row that I brought in the new year with an invigorating plunge into the ice cold waters of Narragansett Bay! This year we had a couple of crazy new recruits- Rich and Ryan. I was extremely happy that my daughter plunged as well even when her friend backed out at the last minuteSince last year, January 1st was on a Sunday, we started our own “plunge” separate  from the official one that took place while we were in church. This year we also avoided all the other crazy people and are working on our own after the crowds  are sufficiently frozen and off the beach. Makes for better parking at least. Plus we have the whole ocean to ourselves. Not that we are selfish or anything. We also do not want to fork over $20 for a tee shirt and donuts to jump in the water with a few hundred others. 
Here are pictures of our 1st Plunge last year (2012)
Here I am with the friend that makes sure I COMPLETELY go in that cold water
 (at least to the shoulders) and her son (who is one of my my sweet Sunday School
students. ) See his brother freezing behind us wrapped in blankets? 
A few of our cheerleaders! Jane and David, Pastor John and Ruth.
I think they might join in next year…at least I thought I heard one
of them say that through chattering teeth. Special thanks to Carol, Sara and
Natasha as well for braving the cold and taking pictures!

 My hubby was working. Poo! 
Here’s a pic from last year when it was MUCH warmer!

See here…the start to our new year has included three things we did not plan for or anticipate…Fleas– as in one dog and two cats – what? In Winter? The Flu- My hub and daughter both had a few days worth of yucky sickness. Last but not least we have a school change for my daughter that was not in the plan. So guess what? There were some Christmas cards that were supposed to go out late (with special notes) but for the first week of January at least…ya-NO. Didn’t happen. Some friends may yet get a Christmas card from us…
I am super excited to be participating in my first online Bible study.
This one is for 6 weeks and it started on January 6th over at Laura Rath’s place.
It appealed to me especially since my One Word for the New Year is Release.
I really am hoping to lead an online Bible Study at some point in the future.

Here’s my nice neat desk January 1, 2013. I took a picture. It does not look this way at the time of me writing this post. Reality: my desk gets messy. But I like when it looks like this. Even for a moment. Having a clear desk is like spitting in the wind, and hoping you won’t get it back in your face. Not likely. But…I take pictures and hope for the best. 
I have hit a new level of weird…I will fess up and tell you all what I did.
I am so covetous of this lovely lass’s hair. I sent her an e-mail and told her. She was very kind and did not report me to the police. If you do not recognize her (appalling) her name is Mandy and her place is Biblical Homemaking. Feel free to visit, but DO NOT covet her hair. It’s mine to covet.
Really. This should be my hair. I remember when I was 5 years old, I would walk around in a red haired wig. I surprise myself in that I have no shame. Anyone know how to photo shop my face into this hair? 

Banjo finally has his own Facebook Page. Since he is The Most Interesting Dog in the World and is featured in a calendar it seemed the time for him to share his himness with the world.
Would you go over and “like” his page. Promise to make you smile:
Below are two great New Year Guest Posts that are worth having a look at if you missed them. Grab a refill and take your time!
Both are also part of The Inspiring Women Series:
1. Calendar Consecration (Guest Post by Kim Jackson) – a great way to ask God’s blessing over all your plans for the new year!
2. Start Each Day With God by Catherine Galasso-Vigorito – an inspiring post guaranteed to bless you as you consider your day.

Reading this book by Joel Miller right now and it is a very interesting companion to my New Year Bible Reading Plan. I will be posting a review soon- be sure and look for it! Here is a portion of the description from the publisher: Rooted in the Scripture and following this ancient understanding, Lifted by Angels reveals:

  • the role that angels play in the lives of people and in God’s plan of salvation
  • the different ranks and functions of angels
  • how Satan and his demons fell from grace and plagued humans
  • the functions of guardian angels and how God assigns them to fit our personal needs
  • how guardian angels help us resist evil, temptation, and the devil
  • the way angels join with us in our prayers, even adding their own to ours
  • the service angels provide in worship

Here I finally resume my Gift counting.
I also have a handwritten journal of my Counting to 1000 and am at #901. 
Here online I am at:

341. The fact that when things don’t go the way I planned, it doesn’t mean that I am out of His plans.
342. A wonderful surprise of a book wished for but not planned for – gifted!
343. Kindness from one expressed graciously
344. The criticism & judgement from another both spoken and unspoken
345. One door closed
346. Another door, though unanticipated, open.
347. Wisdom in an unexpected place
348. Hope and Light in dark places
349. Amazing peace at the core of my being despite the nonstop assault of late.
350. Recognizing that this little light of mine (praise You, Jesus) will not be extinguished but continue to flicker, burn and blaze for His glory. Trials are but fuel for the fire. Amen.

One more thing… if your New Year has gotten off to a rough start (like mine) you might find this post I wrote encouraging: When Your New Year Slaps You Upside Your Head

Well until next time, I will leave you with this:

Have a wonderful week!

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6 responses to “Plunging Into The New Year {A flea-filled, flu ridden, fabulous start!}”

  1. Recovering Church Lady Avatar

    FUN post! What a great overview and feel honored that I got a christmas card!!


  2. Denise Avatar

    You are totally awesome.


  3. Tammy Avatar

    You are one brave woman. I cannot imagine doing what you do!! You look frozen. brrrGreat photos. Have a wonderful week.


  4. Stacy Avatar

    Clear desk? What is this clear desk you speak of? Oh, it is so good to have someone whose mind works like mine. Have a great week, Dawn!(Maybe instead of the daily cleaning ritual in the kitchen we should have it for the desks. lol)


  5. Kelly Hallahan Avatar

    Love your list- and the surprise door that opens! He is a creative God! Thanks for the links. Grateful.


  6. Anonymous Avatar

    I like #341 – and that you had a Polar Bear New Year. We created a new New Years tradition – Bucher Family Hat Day where they get the hats I knitted (since I couldn't finish ALL of them by Christmas). I've also told my sons that whoever marries the red-head or has the red-head grandchild will be my favorite:)Wishing you a flea-less and flue-less rest of 2013!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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