
Sustain me according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.
Philippians 1:20 

Not what I expected…

What I didn’t expect or see coming was that slap in the face 2013 hit me with, and I am still reeling from the sting of it. What I didn’t expect also was the peace of God that met me in the mess of it all and I am still standing in it as I try to recover and walk in it properly. Without swinging back. 
Because I am not sure I can just haul off and belt 2013 in hopes of teaching it a lesson. Instead I have to graciously recover, get back on my feet and walk on with my head held high. No I didn’t expect it, no I didn’t see it coming. But God knew. 
I saw a new year.
 The fresh start we all look forward to every December. I made my list. I checked it twice…oops, sorry remnants of Christmas are still dancing in my head. Minus the sugarplums. Although I feel like if there were sugarplums involved, it would involve a jolly, old fat man, humming them like baseballs at my head. Anyway  I did digress. 
My God knows what’s coming. He knows what I don’t know right now. He knows when life throws a sucker punch or knocks over the blocks we have been so diligently stacking. 
Everything can be taken from a man or a woman but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way. 
Viktor E. Frankl 

We cannot control others
Even though I have worked in the field of fitness almost forever (let’s not count the years) guiding others along the path of change I still am amazed of the one thing I know. Although we can influence others, ultimately they hold they key to their own door of choice. The way it swings open or closed. Whether it stays locked tight or invitingly ajar with a welcome sign. So instead of putting up my dukes and preparing to duke it out with this New Year, and before I go whimper into the corner I will tell you what I am going to do in light of this New Year plan to dethrone my hope, joy and enthusiasm.
The one thing we can control in any circumstance is our response in and to those circumstances. 
Sounds so easy.
But what when the choices of others impact you directly and negatively?
What when the choices of others harm you, or themselves and they refuse to do what is needful and necessary? 
What when you’ve made your plans, and they are wiped clear off the page?
Here’s what I’m doing:
I’m brushing myself off, and hitting the ground hard. Not running. But kneeling in prayer. 
I don’t know what is coming but I want to be as close as possible to the One who does know. I am hitting hard the Word of God.  I will not allow these temporary setbacks to squelch my priority of reading and reflecting on God’s Word. Those of you who have started new reading plans, I suggest you get your Armour on because the enemy will do all he can to cause you to bail on that 2013 Bible reading plan. If he hasn’t started yet, he will. Be prepared. If you want to make spiritual headway there is a host of forces who are hoping (and counting on ) you failing. (Stand firm- Ephesians 6). 
I recognize that God has something good in this situation. Despite the fact that it does not look good right now. I’m waiting for the blessing. I’m looking for it.
I know it is just around the corner.
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:5

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. 
Victor E. Frankl
Linking with Tracy!

and Ramona for Friendship Friday:

Missional Women


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16 responses to “When Your New Year Slaps You Upside Your Head”

  1. Recovering Church Lady Avatar

    I am so proud of you for this! This going to be a truly awesome year, let's go!


  2. Ashley Ditto Avatar

    Love this. You are so right, we cant control others. I needed to hear this today Dawn. Dealing with some things and people that aren't easy, and knowing God will bring me through. Bless you today, friend.


  3. Pamela M. Steiner Avatar

    No, we can't control others or circumstances that are out of our control and grasp. We can only TRUST God to carry us through and give us the grace we need at the time we need it. He is faithful…are we?


  4. Kathy, PaperPumpkin Avatar

    Hi Dawn, thanks for visiting. My art journal right now is a handmade one from a special friend. I am enjoying the size and shape of this new one! Thanks! K


  5. jeskmom Avatar

    Sometimes the most powerful thing we do is simply write it down. Simply put our hands on the keys and say, “THIS IS TRUTH!” This is the power of your words here. Both for you and for us who read them. He has done this–He gave you the strength to put your hands on the keys, to claim HOPE. I stand with you.


  6. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    THanks, my friend! You are right…thank God for the power and clarity He gives through allowing words to form and flow through us. THe enemy hates it but my heart swells as I sense His grace, truth and strength sustain me!


  7. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Thanks for visiting Kathy, it is a beauty!


  8. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Yes, an unexpected journey I expect, Susie!


  9. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    So glad Ashley…I needed to hear it, write it, repeat it and will probably have to re-read it in the days ahead. I am just a messenger who often is the primary needful recipient of words that He gives! Hugs, my friend.


  10. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Yes, Pam- He is and I am not. Grateful that He is both faithful and merciful. Otherwise…big trouble.


  11. Denise Avatar

    Really like this.


  12. LuAnn Braley Avatar

    I must be particulary hard of hearing, because life slaps me upside the head on a regular basis. Learning to live a quieter life so I can listen more.Following from Friendship Friday blog hop at Create With Joy. :O)


  13. Lisa Lewis Koster Avatar

    Your title alone drew me to your post! What a great attitude you have regarding your difficult circumstances; and honestly, isn't there always something?


  14. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    I am learning that as well, LuAnn- yet the fact is there are many things beyond our control and accepting that does bring freedom in many ways. Happy Friday!


  15. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Thanks, Denise- hope you are feeling well and wishing you a sweet weekend!


  16. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Lisa, yes! ALways something…but not responding (ie returning evil for evil, too) is a faith challenge for me! Ongoing!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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