It’s totally true!

This was an original first attempt at my Bio.
We toned it down for my new gig over at 5 Minutes For Faith.
You will see what I mean if you clink the link! 
What do you think? 
I am:
 married to my BFF of 20 years, 
a wanna be domestic diva, 
completely submissive wife (lie)
dedicated mom (truth), 
an absolutely reluctant homemaker,  
hawk-eyed Personal Trainer, 
and one very enthusiastically 
 inspired Group Fitness Instructor most days…
A believer, 
follower and lover 
of the One True Living God 
(who walks in His grace by Faith) 
my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in whom all things 
(for, by and through) 
and ALL people were created.
 I am a slow reader but a true bookaholic!
 I love rocks, stones and all of nature (God’s Creation). 
I am a journal keeper. 
I love to teach, share, create, write and 
especially love working with children (we understand each other) 
and older folks (they are rich with wisdom and patient with me). 
I am blessed with the gift of ADHD (sometimes it shows) 
and God loves me, just as I am. 
(I know He loves you too and He told me to tell you in case you forgot or do not know it already)
 I value authenticity and I respect and value others. 
I am not afraid to speak the truth. 
I also am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ and I am not afraid to let others be who they are (God accepts you as you are, so why shouldn’t I?).
 I live out loud but really love a piece of quiet most days.
Sometimes I’m silly but in all seriousness 
I’m learning to walk with the Savior
 while sharing the journey. 
Join me?

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8 responses to “Who I Am- A Bio {This Is What It’s Like To Talk To Me For Real}”

  1. Recovering Church Lady Avatar

    Haha! Love this! I also love the sign you are holding. But what about those days when i argue with myself and no one wins?


  2. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    I can't imagine you disagreeing with yourself. You are an agreeable person. I argue with myself BUT in the end I always win. So I have found now it is better to just totally agree with myself from the get go. I just make more sense this way! HA!


  3. Pamela M. Steiner Avatar

    Funny girl. I totally agree with you…who am I to argue with such brilliance? 🙂 Truly, you are. Brilliant. Bright. Shining. Star. and so much fun to know, even if it is via cyberspace. Someday we will all meet in the throne room of heaven and have a marvelous reunion. We'll know each other immediately by the smiles on our faces and the stars in our eyes. Brilliant. Bright. Shining. Stars!


  4. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    You make me smile- and certainly we might meet sooner!You shine too, my friend!


  5. Denise Avatar

    Enjoyed this.


  6. jeskmom Avatar

    So much about your bio rings true–it comes across in all your other writing, like that you're a reluctant homemaker, an authentic teller of truths, an absolute lover of Jesus. A reader of books, with such a pile beside your desks that it makes me salivate to imagine what treasures I could cull from you. And, like you, I “live outloud, but need quiet in my days.” Yes, your voice is clear, your faith is true and your love for Christ and the Kingdom seeps through every word.


  7. Mystic_Mom Avatar

    I love this…thanks for being so honest and open with this!


  8. Anonymous Avatar

    Great Bio-I love it in fact, very well done and authentic, funny, heartfelt, catchy eh I could go on :-)…Smiles.


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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