Blog Bash Speed Meet

Let’s just make this a speed meet, OK?
So, here is a fascinatingly, fun list of random things about me!
Aren’t you excited you stopped by my blog?
*I started blogging at the end of May of this year- I am a newbie.
*I blog primarily about my Faith and the things I feel the Lord is leading me to share. 
* Tonight I just FINALLY “launched” my second blog, dedicated to Fitness.
*I have been in the field of Fitness (Personal Trainer & Group Exercise Instructor)
 for almost 30 years.
* Apparently I am really almost getting old!
* I have written for my whole life BUT refused to share,
I like to say blogging has helped me “come out of the closet” with my writing.
*I have competed in both power lifting and bodybuilding.
*I love to work with children!
* I teach Sunday School and love it.
*I am a “Domestic Diva” wanna be, but so NOT there!
*I lead a Moms In Touch group at my daughter’s private school and
am grateful to be able to pray with a few faithful moms weekly.
*Words swim through my mind all the time. It might be part of my ADHD, but writing is like breathing to me AND my very close connection with God.
 I guess you could say it’s my Love Language with God.
I am married to my BFF and just so happen to have a beautiful 11 year old daughter
 who knows everything (or at least more than me)!
*I enjoy writing poetry
These are some of my journals
*My writing is a reflection of what is going on “Beneath The Surface”,
the unseen realm of my hidden life with Christ, hence the name.
Here is my Blog place! I really want a laptop!
This is where I sometimes have quiet time.
But sometimes the desk kind of, um, well…
explodes and then I have it somewhere else…

Sometimes I will catch the sunrise and walk and talk with my
Lord along the shore…
we are @ 2 minutes from the beach!

Banjo is my “other man”. I wuv, this Rescue from Arkansas!

Aurora is my quiet time protege and she does not like me to stray
from my morning routine. In the Summer when I had QT on the back patio,
she would rebuke me from the kitchen window, with loud cries.

Buddy is my daughter’s Bunny, but he is part of the family, after all.

Ashley, (Aurora’s sister)  is posing as a lamb here,
see the resemblance?
Well, thanks for stopping by, leave a comment and I will be sure to visit you, real soon!
Happy Blogging!
Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

4 responses to “Blog Bash Speed Meet”

  1. messy marriage Avatar

    I'm jealous! I wish I could have my quiet time/prayer time on the beach! Thanks for sharing some random things. Oh, and by the way, I'm “getting old” too – but I'll probably keep on saying that when I'm 90! 🙂


  2. LeAnn Avatar

    Just stopped by today and loved reading about you and your thoughts on blogging and etc. I loved the pictures of the things you love. I will look forward to reading more of your writings and I hope you will share your poetry too. Blessings to you and keep on writing about your moments. Living Waters by LeAnn


  3. Walking on Sunshine... Avatar

    This is GREAT! Loved learning more about you! Thanks for your comment today!


  4. Beth in NC Avatar

    I would love to walk along that shore and have quiet time! It was fun reading your post!Love,Beth


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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