Is God Good?

If my life is surrendered to God, all is well.
 Let me not grab it back, as though it were in peril in His hand
but would be safer in mine!
~ Elisabeth Elliot

     I’m feeling a little frustrated with myself, lately.
 Part of it is knowing I am really not in control.
I know this is no shock to you. However, is it possible that there are times when this becomes especially, painfully evident in our lives?
I am starting to see the gap between what I think I believe, what I say I believe and even what I THINK I think I believe and the actual reality of what I believe.
There is a journey, my friends, that each of us must walk alone. We each have our own obstacles to overcome, battles to fight, and sin to defeat.
Yes, thankfully, it is Finished.
 But, each of us, led into the desert must feel our own emptiness, cultivate our own trust, learn to discern clearly His voice, and come to know how to rely on His Spirit.
This is is where the rubber meets the road.
We have the comfort and encouragement of knowing, we are really not alone.
We have the fellowship of Believers. Yet, there is the place of meeting that we must be with Him, and only Him, in holy communion and intimacy that births the faith that Hell itself cannot shake.
It is not found in the company of friends, though we are grateful for them.
It cannot be found in the church building.
It is not found on a mountaintop, a mall, a mausoleum or coliseum.
It is found in the stillness that comes from a knowledge of our own emptiness.
It comes from our lack, not our fullness.
It comes in the shape of empty hands.
Hands that desire to be willing, but acknowledge their own weakness.
 It’s funny, our Pastor preached a whole message about hands on Sunday.
I am grateful for that message. I am grateful, for the man who taught it. I am grateful for the church I attend, and all I receive there. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to share and use some of the gifts that the Lord has given me there each week.
But this is but a sliver of the pie called, Hidden In Christ.
Have you ever felt the soul’s longing for eternity?
Would you recognize it, if you did?
It is a deep yearning.
There is no satisfying it, but to sit in the presence of the One True Living God. 
Nothing will satisfy you like it does. Every single pleasure of this world and every single earthly icon to which you cling is like a hazy, mist compared to one second of the peace that stills the soul.
Do you long for it?
 I do.
It will not be quenched by earthly pursuits. All else will leave you dry. Parched. Empty. If you are wise, you will turn to Him, in your need and He will quench the thirst in your soul. He will lead you to the streams that are peaceful and satisfying. He will quiet you with His love and lead you to the places where you find rest and peace for your body, mind and soul.

     You know, this is not what I planned to write today. But this is what God is speaking to me, right now. He’s speaking to me, perhaps He also is speaking to you. I think today has been frustrating for me, because I refuse to recognize that He is in control AND that it is GOOD.
I am not in control and that is good.
 Rest assured I realize it’s  REALLY GOOD,
that I am not in control- yet the sin nature in me resents it.  

          So today is the first day of a month long journey to the heart of Thanksgiving.
 Today I wanted BADLY to write about GRATITUDE, thankfulness, thanksgiving.
           What I realize is that the prerequisite to a grateful heart is the ability to see clearly
 and accept the Truth as it is revealed. Not as I want to see it.
What one will not ask for, will not be received.
Give me a heart, Lord that is truly thankful. A heart that trusts that you are in control,
and it is as it should be
 because you are GOOD.
Keep me from believing the lies that originated in the Garden.
In the Name of Jesus I pray.
The Name above all names.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Psalm 118:1        

     Thanksgiving the act of giving thanks;
 grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors,
      especially to God.

5 responses to “Is God Good?”

  1. Recovering Church Lady Avatar

    Oh Dawn, the more I read you the more I would love to call you my friend! My heart is resonating with these words and their honesty is so refreshing and gut wrenching. This last year I have seen my ministry and friends stripped from me (no I did nothing wrong, just could not grow the ministry enough to make it financially viable any longer) and that painful process has shown me the bare bones of my faith and what I really believe. I am more in love with my God today than I was a year ago, we have weathered a storm of doubt but it has been worth it. Ok stop rambling woman…….I love your words Dawn, thank you!


  2. Denise Avatar

    Hi Dawn,I always find that I am much more optimistic after I've spent a few minutes reflecting about my many blessings and feeling grateful for them. I can welcome more abundance into my life when I say, “Hey, thanks God for all I have!” He definitely is in control and His love endures forever!Beautiful post! :)Denise


  3. Leah in Iowa Avatar

    I'm glad to have you participating this month, Dawn! I pray you're blessed in more ways than one because of it. I'm thankful that God is in control!Blessings,- Leah


  4. quietspirit Avatar

    Dawn: This is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing from you heart.


  5. Chatty Crone Avatar

    Made me think today – I think my biggest problem today is sometimes I make decisions so fast – that I forget to check it out with God first – I have to slow down and think first. Sandie


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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