
 “The diary is the only form of writing that encourages total freedom of expression. Because of its very private nature, it has remained immune to any formal rules of content, structure or style. As a result, the diary can come closest to reproducing how consciousness evolves.” ~Tristine Rainer


Today begins a journey for those of you joining me here at Enthusiastically, Dawn.

To avoid confusion and clarify what is coming in the days ahead I want to invite you to check in here with questions, comments, thoughts.

Since I prefer the Diary definition below more than the Journal term described by most resources, you won’t mind indulging me here today for a quick look, will you?


Simple Definition of diary

  • : a book in which you write down your personal experiences and thoughts each day

Full Definition of diary

plural di·a·ries

  1. 1 :  a record of events, transactions, or observations kept daily or at frequent intervals :  journal; especially :  a daily record of personal activities, reflections, or feelings

  2. 2 :  a book intended or used for a diary


I will tell you there are a multitude of ways to skin a cat, friends. Although I can assure you there will be no cat skinning in this series, we will be approaching our Diary Pages with complete freedom, flexibility and INDIVIDUALITY. Why am I yelling at you with all caps? Well, I just want to make sure you know that I am not the Journal Nazi. I am not here to tell you to make your journal anything other than what it needs to be to serve you now.

So let’s start by defining what this series will not be.

It will not be a series of daily Prompts, although I may write regularly on Journaling AND there may be a prompt or two (or twenty-one)… OR you may  feel prompted to write in response to what I have written. In my mind, getting you thinking, reflecting and going deeper in awareness of your own journey will be an awesome outcome!

This series is not about ART Journaling. Which does not mean that artists cannot benefit, be inspired, stretched and enriched during our journey. It also does not exclude the possibility that art  will “happen”, be encouraged, embraced or generally expressed. The individual interpretation and responses on the journey can be as unique as the individual.

This is NOT a BIBLE Journaling series. I know this is a popular trend right now, but this is not my thing. Although I appreciate the merging of creativity with meditating and reflecting on Scripture, it makes me well..honestly friends, it makes me crazy, seeing all that drawing on Bible pages. I explored Kay Arthur’s Bible reading method many years ago and learned quickly that all those doodles make my head like doo-doo. OK, I digress. There are plenty of wonderful creatives who can lead there, this is not my area of sharing. HOWEVER, my journaling lifestyle includes the Bible and I will share HOW, WHY, WHEN and even WHERE that fits in for me as we journey together.

This series is NOT about having a journal that is pretty OR perfect. You will not be graded for neatness, beautiful penmanship, creative ability, or journal fanciness. As a matter of fact, you will not be graded, judged, criticized or called out at all. I can’t imaging there are Journal Bullies, but, um, rest assured…NOT HERE. ( I have been called a “Planner Bully” before, so duly noted)  I do confess I love a pretty journal though, so I will be sharing lots of pictures along the way, my personal favorites etc. I also love a plain old 1-5 Subject notebook from the drug store and have a plethora of those in my collection as well as Composition Notebooks. Paper is paper and the only thing that really matters is that we have access to a notebook we want to come to again and again.

Now that I have shared what this series is not about, perhaps it’s time to share what it IS about and a bit of what you can expect for the journey.

*You CAN expect regular posts about journaling for this series. BUT, the last thing I want to do is create a codependent journaling relationship. I smile as I say this but it’s true…just as a good trainer at the gym trains himself out of a job, I want to encourage you to develop your journal keeping muscles by helping you tap into motivation and inspiration from  your own unique life experiences and circumstances.

*You CAN expect  regular posts, but due to a pressing family health situation, I am aiming for 2-3 posts published a week (there may be more so subscribing for e-mails or checking back regularly is your best bet). ALL posts will be accessible at the TAB-accessible at top of blog, and below for your convenience:

*If you leave questions on the blog I will be sure and answer, but may not be able to respond right away. Due to the time constraints I will not respond to all comments. I appreciate your understanding during this season.

*You CAN expect a few giveaways of some Journal Keeping favorites!

*You CAN expect me to direct you to share explicit details of my journaling journey THEN and NOW; what and who has influenced and inspired me most and HOW I approach the journal for support in every aspect of my life.

*If you are LOCAL to Rhode Island you CAN come participate in  Workshops/Classes for Journaling and Planning being held in the area that I will be leading.

*You CAN expect me to keep it REAL. I will be honest about my own journey. I will do no less. I will share openly and honestly but with discretion. If you find offense in something I share or write, I ask that you speak with me directly for clarification. I welcome dialogue.



Journaling Lifestyle Questions for Reflection (for your journal):

  1. What kind of a journaling “lifestyle” to you have now ? Consider your  frequency, depth, commitment to the practice of journaling.
  2. In what ways would you like to develop your journal keeping habit to support your life now? OR what’s missing or needing to be developed in you now?
  3. What is “calling you”?
  4. Finish the sentence:  I wish my journal keeping habit…
  5. Finish this sentence: The thing about writing a journal that trips me up is…

Let me know if yo have any questions or thoughts.

You can expect a post within the next 24 hours as we get the ball rolling…or pen writing, as the case may be!

Thank you for joining me in this NEW and ongoing JOURNEY!

Definition: Miriam Webster Online Dictionary

photo credit: Writing For Rosie via photopin (license)

8 responses to “The Journal Keeper’s Journey: Journaling as a Lifestyle (Series)”

  1. Terra Avatar

    I look forward to watching your diary journey on your blog.


  2. denise Avatar

    love this already


  3. Marianne Avatar

    Good luck all the best…may the true meaning of inspiration to keep a journal be embraced openly and my it widen the consciousness of ones life and my it strengthen the unconsciousness that seeks light in the keeping of a Diary!😉…


  4. Stacy Avatar

    I’m excited and wishing I lived in Rhode Island so I could sit in on your classes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      That would be so fun, Stacy!


  5. Why Do You Write? | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] post is part of the The Journal Keeper’s Journey: Journaling as a Lifestyle Series. Stay tuned for more in the days […]


  6. […] lives (I really wish I could go), but she’s also posting on her blog under the heading of The Journal Keeper’s Journey: Journaling as a Lifestyle.  (FYI: That link will take you to a central page on her blog that has all the posts in the […]

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Are YOU Ready for 21 Days of Journaling… | Enthusiastically, Dawn Avatar

    […] Please not that the Journaling as a Lifestyle will be continued […]


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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