

It’s a rainy Saturday here in Rhode Island this morning. The kind of day, I like to sip tea, and stare out the window. I’ve already written a poem, although my tea has grown cold. I’m not ready to slip from morning to midday. I want my lovely, slightly lazy morning to last a bit longer. I rebel against my To Do List if only for a little while, because ultimately I know it will benefit me, and probably those around me. All Task and no Play make for a cranky planner person. Trust me on this. I’ll go one further in saying this: Languid days and times are needful.

If your schedule does not allow you the time to smell the roses, or stare out a window on a rainy morning, dahling, you simply are not living. Well actually, rose smelling is hard for me with my allergies…but I still make time for it!

I have found that when I do not make time for small breaks from schedule I feel disconnected, from myself, and others. 

Making time for just doing nothing might seem like a colossal waste of time to you, but honestly it is when I hear God’s voice most clearly, when I also connect with myself and what is happening beneath the surface, and also when I can reflect on all that has been going on in my life. When I make time to do nothing, it feels like I am a high-speed train that just hit a time warp, turned Locomotive and slowed down to a beautiful long ago pace and place. I enjoy the scenery, I sense the presence of Peace and I breathe. Times of doing nothing lead to times of renewal for me and ironically seem to foster creativity and productivity! I live and love better when I grab some guilt free, maybe I should I capitalize that: Guilt- Free, Time.  to just do nothing. You might say, doing nothing always lead to something. Something good usually.


A Practical Tip: Carve out some time to do nothing. Literally. Beware of things that seem like “doing nothing” but do not cause you to connect with self, God and that place of quiet within. I identify those Doing Nothing Thieves  as anything “screen” related: the Telly, ‘Puta, Phone, also shopping (as a replacement for doing nothing- it exasperates disconnect- that could be a whole other post!). For me, doing nothing is just sitting, or strolling. Discovering, exploring and observing in the moment. Talking to God, and myself…! Solitude and stillness fill me with grace I need for the moments of my days, even when I can only grab a small bit.

Quotes to Ponder: 

“Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act…”  ~ Psalm 37:7

“Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” ~ Ovid

“To do nothing is sometimes a good remedy.” ~Hippocrates

“He does not seem to me to be a free man who does not sometimes do nothing” ~Marcus Tullius Cicero 

Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. ~ Psalm 62:5


A  Prayer for  Today: Lord, even today I know you call me to quiet places. Those places can only be found in my willingness to follow your lead. Help me to heed your word, which calls me to taking the time to be still, even to do nothing, long enough that I might hear you above the clamor of my own planning and busyness. Thank you that you are faithful to meet me in my messiness and restore order to my heart, mind and soul. Thank you especially for rainy mornings, and languid days.

This is Day 11 of the series Planning with Purpose: 31 Days of Planner Tips

I wrote an INTRO POST here explaining everything!

I have also made designated a PAGE for it. Hope this makes it easy. I am happy to tackle a topic, or issue with regard to your planner habits.

Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me. 

final with bigger31

I pray this series is a blessing to you. 

Linking with Sunday Stillness

and The Weekend Brew

and Laura’s Playdates

8 responses to “Longing for Languid Days”

  1. poetry joy Avatar

    How relaxing, refreshing and needful! Thank you, Dawn. I feel far less stressed now I’ve read this! Bless you for this helpful word, my friend. 🙂 Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Oh, Joy, so glad. Thanks for your visit today!


  2. laura Avatar

    I want to hear your poem…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Oh boy! lol… It is still in my journal. But I will let you know when I share it, Laura. You surprised me with your comment…I’m smiling here! 😉


  3. Hazel Moon Avatar

    Awesome reminder to find some quiet time and worship our Lord. Also to find some quiet time just for yourself at times. I am a near neighbor at Sunday Stillness.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Barbie Avatar

    I’ve had great opportunity to do nothing over the last few weeks. I am choosing to allow God to meet me where I am.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Barbara London Avatar

    Thank you for your post from Day 11 – I am spending my Sat. morning READING posts that I have filed in my e-mail!! I find most of my “rest” time is spent – well, like now I am in front of the computer…or I am relaxing on the couch in front of the TV…hardly ever do I go outside on the balcony and just rest in the stillness of the morning – why? Who knows?! But your words encourage me to do just that!!!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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