
If you’re like me (if you’re here- you are), you like your share of social media. However, if you really are like me (stop resisting the admission), you will admit, that sometimes you overindulge.

The question is: how can we have our Social Media cake and eat it too?

Well, I have been contemplating this question, long and hard, between status updates, tweets, YouTube clips, and Instagram moments, of course…and I think I have a few snippets of really useful somewhat practical tips to share.

We must admit we are powerless…

Wait, no. What I mean is, we must take hold of our Social Media behavior by the only thing it understands and responds to Self-Control. Wait, don’t click away…hear me out!

Grab your calendar, or the three of them if you have ADHD (like me). Now, write down the things that you know must be done and the places you know you need to be. It’s Sunday or Monday, depending on when this posts, so go ahead and look at the week ahead. Take that pencil and whatever needs to get done, at this point, gets written down. OK, I’m waiting.

Kids appointments, your haircut, grocery shopping, dinner preparation, housework, etc.

Now, those things that you also need to do concerning work, blogging, additional writing, or creating.

Are any other commitments for church, friends’ and families’ birthdays, Sherlock, etc. (or Downtown Abby, I suppose). If you’re like me it’s Sherlock, Baby!

OK, now…

Portion your allowable Time Blocks for Social Media and commit to ONLY partake of SM interaction at the designated times. Just as an exercise or nutrition plan has specific components and portions, so do our Social Media diets! But, let’s use a user-friendly term, a Social Media plan of action.

If you’re like me (give it up already, YOU ARE!), then you sometimes occasionally frequently get sidetracked by Social Media interaction. Remember, all things are acceptable (for legalists) but not always beneficial (all is filtered by grace and wisdom)…

So, what does one do?

Determine the details and portion it out across the week. How often, How much, How long.
Ask yourself,  when will you allow yourself to use Social Media and the parameters to which you want to adhere, just as if you were on a strict but wonderful (HA!) diet   Nutritional Plan. So, perhaps you want to be on Social Media twice a day. Choose the times, and add them to your calendar. If you have SM apps on your phone you will need an extra measure of self-control or just eliminate them until you are feeling empowered to “just say no!”

A Social Media diet puts you in the driver’s seat. It is better than a complete fast if you want to continue sharing blog posts, pictures and also staying connected to certain friends and groups.

So, repeat after me, “My name is (your name in the blank) __________________.”

Hi, __________________________.

In real life, I am always trying to balance my in-person, and online life. If you’re like me, you are too. I’m here for you. Well, in a portioned kind of way.

What do you think? Are you in need of a Social Media Diet? How can you plan your time in a way that helps you feel good about your choices with Social Media? Let’s encourage and support one another! Do you have an idea or tip that helped you use more self-control with your SM interaction? Please share in the comments! 

For those of you who are like me, you probably contemplate things a lot, and then come up with really snarky status updates and tweets while you are driving or in the shower. Sometimes you even dream in live streamed, edited video clips. Occasionally you come up with a ridiculous blog post masquerading as useful, when in reality is just one, incredibly silly endeavor. For no good reason except…you can.

Happy Monday, Friends! May your week be full of tweet-worthy moments, blessed status updates, and picture-worthy Instagram moments…of which you have the good sense to share or NOT share with discernment, sensitivity, and good humor.

13 responses to “Your Social Media Diet (How’s That Working For You?)”

  1. Stacy Avatar

    The ADD is a problem in that I get hyper focused on whatever I'm doing (blogging, FB, games) but I've found that online is the one place and time I also exhibit OCC tendencies in that every time I think about walking away I have to check one more time for comments/likes/new posts/etc. Once in a while it will get so bad it drives ME nuts. lol I definitely need a social media diet.


  2. Recovering Church Lady Avatar

    YES! I have been on the same learning path my dear. The list making is really helping me each morning. Also the idea that a complete SM fast is just not reasonable or healthy is very true for me. Great post Dawn, very helpful and encouraging. Susie


  3. Dolly @Soulstops Avatar

    Dawn,This is great, funny, and practical 🙂 For me, I am still learning how to navigate my way around social media …blessings as you try your new plan 🙂


  4. Lisa notes... Avatar

    I definitely have to watch my social media time as well. I'm devising a Social Media Diet for Lent….


  5. Rach J DeBruin Avatar

    I hear yah! I try to do one at least one day per week 🙂


  6. Lyli Avatar

    I am a terrible dieter. I am praying for God to give me wisdom about my social media intake — it's easy to get lost on Facebook and have it steal away a big chunk of my free time.


  7. Debbie Petras Avatar

    This was very cute and so true! I love social media, blogging but I still work and have a real life. I need to allow myself designated times to have fun on Facebook. I have to admit “My name is Debbie and I love Facebook.” I have friends from high school (which was more than 40 years ago), kids I grew up with on Long Island, relatives in all parts of the world including Norway and …I love to connect with them. Much food for thought Dawn.Blessings and love,Debbie


  8. marlece Avatar

    Super true, I have a time limit and I try to stick to it otherwise, It's like anything else, over indulging just isn't good.Great points, I am not much of a dieter but I try to create balance in all things in this little world of mine. (smile)


  9. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    Oh, please do share when you do…I am always up for a challenge. Or sit on the sidelines and cheer you on…


  10. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    But, STacy, when I kept writing, “if you are like me”, did you nod your head and say, “YES, you are my long lost sista?” LOL!


  11. Dawn Paoletta Avatar

    BUT, Lyli, I also imagine being a SOcial Media Manager, makes for unique social media challenges in this area! 😉


  12. Sara Avatar

    I need a social media diet! I have a facebook addiction. I try to set limits but it never works.I would love to have you hop over and share with us at Tell Me About It Tuesday (


  13. Sara Avatar

    Thanks for linking up at Tell Me About It Tuesday. We hope you hop over and share with us again this week. (Sorry for the late comment!)


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

Social-Media Free (mostly)

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