The best things are nearest: 
breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, 
flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, 
the path of God just before you.
~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Vacation: Check!
We returned just about 11:30 PM on Saturday from our Maine vacation.
Yesterday, I had an overwhelming urge to sleep which I just couldn’t shake. 
Even though my Pastor’s message was about one of my favorite Bible characters (David) and his teaching and preaching right on, I caught myself nodding between notes and quotes!
 It was all I could do to stumble home to bed after. 
I am feeling re-energized today and have been tackling the laundry, organizing, unpacking. 
Well although I had  My Maine Bucket List, the week was overflowing with God’s own Bucket List for us. 
Oh, friends, I am richer today because of my week away, which was a sweet gift from God. 
I am grateful for the prayers of those who lifted us and we were blessed in so many ways.
Here I will share some SNIPPETS of our Maine vacation.
Finally arriving…
A delicious gift was delivered to our cabin by our
 thoughtful Maine-iac friends!Yes, it was Good!

I adored this mug and drank from it every morning.
Quiet time by the lake, gazing at the mountains…
This was our very own private beach (more or less) 
and I sat here in the morning and listened to God’s voice
whispering sweet peace to my heart through His beautiful Creation.

My Girl standing in Coos Canyon: Byron, Maine

This is Angel Falls- we hiked in and it was quite a nice hike.
The falls are deep into the woods- a hidden gem.
Afterwards we enjoyed, ice cream and milk shakes
 at the Coos Canyon Gift shop.
Yum. Vanilla milk shake for me. Just fessing up. 

We enjoyed some canoeing.
Although when Hub and I do stuff like this,
it really should be filmed for “How Not To Communicate” OR
a horrid Sit Com about marriage.
The banter is such that I am
 grateful God didn’t tip us just to teach us a lesson.
We got it together. Eventually.

Relaxation – a whole new level. 
A barn turned bookstore. Treasures here, I tell you!

Visited my favorite garage for treasures and bought these!
These were for making my first Altered Books.
 I thought the girls needed a craft for a rainy day-
 Although rain did not come,
we still started our Altered Maine Books 
which I will share in a later post!

My Girl and I enjoy a sunset canoe ride.

Bike ride to Mt. Blue Trading Post for some…what else- Ice Cream!
My Hub and Girl ride-I walked and picked flowers on the way back.
God also gifted me when I surprised a White Tailed Deer- much to my joy!

My Girl, The Duck Whisperer…

Final Sunset…Friday the 13th.
Last moments on the beach with friends before leaving.
Tubing and Jet Skiing…so much laughing.
One final view of the cabin as we left…

See you next year! 
A special thanks to our lovely Hosts:
Dummers Cottages
(I will be featuring these beautiful cabins in an upcoming posts.)

248. resting in His everlasting Arms
249. His unfolding grace
250. His beautiful Creation
251. Maine Mountains

miscellany monday at lowercase letters

16 responses to “Post-Maine Monday: A Taste of Maine Post”

  1. Ren Avatar

    My husband and I have been talking about someday vacationing in Maine.. Your pictures confirmed it for me! Just beautiful!


  2. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    Ren, let me know if you have any questions- it was our third year there! There are lots of options – since we live on the coast the mountains,lake and woods are a nice change of scenery! But Maine has beautiful Coastal spots as well.


  3. Stacy Avatar

    Oh, Dawn…it looks like it was absolutely wonderful! I so need some time like that. Our friend (and pastor) is working on the hubby about finding balance and the need to at least take a long weekend. He's already nixed this month. He'd better give in to one next. LOL-ing about the canoe conversation. We are like that, too. 🙂


  4. Pamela M. Steiner Avatar

    Thank you for allowing us to experience this vacation with you. I feel so relaxed and refreshed already, just reading and looking at your wonderful pictures. I can almost smell the fresh air and hear the sounds of birds singing, water lapping along the shore of the lake, the coolness of the air…ahhhhh…take me away….love it! Thank you.


  5. Recovering Church Lady Avatar

    Looks like the perfect vacation. For me anything near water would make me happy. Glad you are refreshed!


  6. Susan J. Reinhardt Avatar

    Hi Dawn – Lovely pics! I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation. That bookstore would have lured me in too. :)Blessings,Susan


  7. a day in the life... Avatar

    These are some great pictures! I would love to have that view of the lake every morning for quiet times! Happy Tuesday!


  8. quietspirit Avatar

    Glad you had such a wonderful relaxing time. I really love that sunset. A bookstore would grab me and not let me go.


  9. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    Stacy, I do hope you take the time and get away. If you head to the coast , say Rhode Island, I will tell you the best places to go…in my opinion. And we can have a coffee chat…on the beach…in beach chairs. 😉


  10. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    I am sure you would love it there, Pamela. Two of the cabins are from the late 1800's and they are so amazingly memorable. Just a sweet place to be…


  11. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    I could see you there, Susie! I am very refreshed.


  12. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    Thanks for stopping by, Susan. SO many really old books at that book barn. Bargains, and really old books. I love looking at the ones from the early 1900's.


  13. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    Thanks, Cecelia! I think the book barn would be a big draw to most of us writers!


  14. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    Anna, thanks for stopping by! The view is memorable. We are already booked for next year!


  15. The Paper Princess Avatar

    Your photos remind me why I have always wanted to visit Maine! I am SO glad that you have been blessed with a chance to unwind in such a refreshing environment, surrounded by family and friends!


  16. Foreverabbas Avatar

    I was so HAPPY reading this. Glad you had such a wonderful getaway.


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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