When Life Gives You Cause To Pause

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 
~Psalm 23:1

Have you ever felt like checking out?
 I mean, just disappearing off the radar for a bit. 
Answering Machine: 
“Hi, you have reached Dawn’s Life and she is not available today.
 At. All. Try back tomorrow, say about dinnertime. 
She may be checked back in by then. Or not. But, feel free to try back again.” 
Zero Expectations. 
Silence. At least relative silence, based on how you define it. 
So often I long to escape from the reality of the day. 
Usually when it has been exceedingly demanding. 
Obviously none of us can really escape our daily grind.
Just for the record I do not really think of my life as a daily grind either.
I want you to know that running away is not a foreign concept to me. I actually did it as a teen.
More than once. With bells, whistles and police involvement. In more than one state. 
But I have found a Better Way to have peace, manage stress and live in exceedingly demanding, stressful times with peace that passes all earthly understanding. 
Strength to stand in the storm with arms outstretched to Heaven,
held firmly in the place of grace I call my home wherever I am: His Everlasting Arms.
The secret of my strength is in Christ Jesus, My Lord and Savior.

My strength and song.
My breath.
He lifts me up. 
He holds me firm.
He quenches my desire to run like a startled deer deep in the woods to hide. 
He seeks me out from my hiding when I am weak.
He satisfies my desires, with good things.
Yes, He renews my youth and increases my childlike faith,
to face the giants of this life.
It is with the tiniest, childlike trust, 
that He himself empowers the stone in the sling
 that sleighs the Giants.

The beauty of it all is that it is all Him.

He gives the seed of Faith,
that births the life of Christ within that nurtures the 
heart of God, that shines the Light of His Holy Spirit from 
One. Little. Life.
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
~Brandi Snyder

He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters, 
    he refreshes my soul. 
He guides me along the right paths 
    for his name’s sake. 
Psalm 23:2-3

Dear Lord, thank you that you made the way for man to enter into holy communion with you by the way of the Cross. That you broke bread with sinners, shunning the religiosity of the day to make the way secure by the hands of God – not the hands of man. You tore the Temple curtain from top to bottom. What you have done cannot be undone, nor added to by anyone. Forever.
At the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow, 
every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
 of all to the Glory of the Father.
Praise the name of Jesus.
Name above all names!

Linking with Emily at Imperfect Prose and Ashley  for Homemaking Thursday (for those who know me, stop laughing!);) @ Southern Mama & Wife. And Stacy for Heartprint Hallelujahs
@Heartprints of God.

9 responses to “When Life Gives You Cause To Pause”

  1. Recovering Church Lady Avatar

    Run away, you have permission to run wholeheartedly into His refuge. Its a safe and comforting place to refresh and rejuvenate. I have been there a lot lately and it is delicious…..close the door, unplug the stuff and breath Him in.Love you Dawn.


  2. Pam Avatar

    So beautiful. Overwhelmed after reading all of this, I cannot think of anything else to say, so I'm just sitting here, taking in everything you've written. Much love,Pam


  3. Ashley Ditto Avatar

    Beautiful! Come on over and link up on my page if you want!


  4. elizabeth Avatar

    I thought of the Psalm that says “oh that I had wings of a bird. I would fly away and be at rest.” I've often felt those words deeply, and your post reminded me of this.


  5. Mystic_Mom Avatar

    AMEN sister, AMEN!


  6. Laureen Avatar

    Love the quote “to the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world”


  7. Hands to Work, Hearts to God Avatar

    So much here to feed on and drink deep! Blessings! Patsy from HeARTworks


  8. emily wierenga Avatar

    often, throughout the day, i crawl into the quiet that is my soul, while children crawl around and over me, and i find quiet inside there… and other times, like right now, i run to the mountains with my husband, and i “check out” for a weekend so i can be a better person. love you friend.


  9. Stacy @ Heartprints of God Avatar

    I'm so thankful when I feel the need to run….I can run to HIM and find rest for my soul. What a strong place of refuge, what a gentle place to lay my heart. What a peace is found in me, when I am found in HIM.Thanks for blessing my heart by linking up at “Heartprint Hallelujahs”.


I’m Dawn

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