This is my favorite shot of the week!
What do you think?

Well thanks to Miscellany Monday over at Lowercase Letters- Monday’s are my favorite bloggy day to play. This opportunity simply invites my ADHD prone mind to come out and freely write with utter abandon.
Permission is an intoxicating and liberating thing. Ha!
1. The job hunt continues and I am starting to realize that I really don’t want to stand over someone counting reps and listening to all their dietary confessions. Lately, I have been reminded of the initial dreams that drew me toward the path I chose. I am being purposely vague. It is a hobby of mine. 
I feel a little like Hermie the Elf from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Remember he didn’t want to be an elf but a dentist?
2. The Giving Thanks Challenge I am participating in with South Breeze Farm, (Click on the the pretty badge out in the top right hand corner of my Blog to visit) is a blessing as I seek to write daily. I know my posts are exceedingly long. I need to work on shortening. I try, I really try.
You should see my journal entries. I fall asleep while I am writing them.  

3. So excited that one of my very special friends is getting married! Whoohoo! I got the text and the phone call AND the details yesterday! I am off for hugs, coffee and a VIEWING of the “ring”! Congratulations to my dear friend Sandy. I wrote about her in my post called A Few Good Friends– Excited is an understatement!

4. Saturday Night was nice with a visit from another friend I hardly get to see- My daughter and I enjoyed the time shared even though Scrabble was played exceedingly late.

5. Friday night was a nice time hosting our church family group for the first time- it is not the same without these lovely folks, but it’s all good. Grateful for the Body of Christ, near and far.

6. I am pretty darned excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas. I just love this time of the year.
I am writing a song about my dog and me called “Banjo Baby” sung to the tune of Eartha Kit’s “Santa Baby”.
Yeah, time for God to give me a job, would you say?

7. Oh, and for those of you who are following the Facebook Page Psalm 119 Challenge- I will be posting a short post (yeah, right!)  this week about that particular Psalm.

OK, so the word of the day is FOCUS. I am looking to get me some. 
Let me know if you have it so I can come over and get it. 
Have a great week! 
  Oh, and remember this:
He rocks my world-hope you are letting Him rock yours, too! 

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

5 responses to “Madness I tell You! Sheer Madness!”

  1. Chatty Crone Avatar

    Dawn, you are one busy and very happy gal. Love to read things about my new friends and get to know them better! sandie


  2. Sherrie Avatar

    Hi!Don't know what your favorite shot is but it looks like a heart. Have a great day!SherrieFood for Thought


  3. Toni C Avatar

    Dawn- you've read my posts – yours are short, short, short in comparison LOL! Have you read Jon Acuff's “Quitter”? He address how he went from his 'real' job to his 'dream' job. I haven't read it yet, but he was a speaker at a conference I attended recently and he spoke on the subject – you might just find it helpful 🙂 Be blessed!!Toni


  4. Bryan Avatar

    Happened upon your blog and look forward to reading other posts. What really caught my eye was Rudolph, one of my favorites :)God Bless,Bryan


  5. Walking on Sunshine... Avatar

    Oh I forgot all about the Psalm 119 challenge! Bad, bad, bad 🙂 Seems like you had a nice day!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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