photo credit: Funchye via photopin cc
photo credit: Funchye via photopin cc


But as for me, I am poor and needy; may the Lord think of me. You are my help and my deliverer; you are my God, do not delay. ~Psalm 40:17

I decided to make soup today. Escarole and Bean Soup to be exact. It reminds me of the good things in life, things I can’t articulate that are mixed together in love, garlic and olive oil. Making soup is a simple thing, something I can do. It might nourish my hard-working husband when He comes home. It might remind him of his own simpler days. Soup and simpler days are welcome when the days are anything but simple.

I made the mistake of reading a couple of news stories today. The news only exasperated the helpless feeling I have in my own personal life at this time. I read another story that clenched my innards. A dedicated teacher in England stabbed to death in the back by a 15 year old student. I read the story and feel the blood drain from my face and my heart swell. I remember why I don’t read news and still see another story that derails my morning routine a bit longer. A prisoner is executed and the press reports  his “suffering”. I read on to his crime. He used a shot gun to shoot  a girl who interrupted his burglary, and then watched as she was buried while alive. My stomach turns.

I consider justice and mercy, and wonder why He tarries. 

I feel rage course through my veins. How dare you report of this “injustice”. Now to delay the execution of a man who raped an 11 month old infant. Because a murderer “suffered” while justice was meted. Let that sink in, please!

I am sickened with the insanity.

I’m helpless, so I turn to prayer and ask, the question we all want to know the answer to.

How long, Lord? 

How long will injustice reign?

It is a rainy day here in Rhode Island. I’ve my own battles to face. I decide to make soup, a simple recipe from Giada, because it takes so little to make soup. I make soup because I CAN. I’ve one head of Escarole,  a can of Cannolini beans, chicken broth. And it feels good to be able to make something with so little. So I stir the pot, and think of Ann Maguire and her family, and pray. I stir the pot and watch tears fall, for babies, and lives that will not be fulfilled this side of Heaven.

I stir the pot and ponder our own challenges with a daughter delving further away from light as we stand by, helpless. Desperate for help, and none. Not from Doctors, Pastors, Teachers, Psychiatrists.


I stir the pot with tears, and quiet prayers. Because there are days when it feels like there are no words. So I watch the rain fall, stir the pot and pray without words.

Tonight my hubby and I will eat soup. We will talk little, as these days seem to require little words but great perseverance and trust. We will take comfort in knowing that though we say little, there is the quiet confidence of our steadfast presence. We will eat soup. Together, quietly. And it will be good.


Linking with: Michelle, Jennifer and Emily W.

14 responses to “Stir the Pot – On Making Soup, Prayer, and Wordless Days”

  1. susieklein Avatar

    My dear, you have my prayers to mingle with yours and your soup ingredients. I so admire your steadfast faith and ability to turn towards The Father in hard times rather than away. Despair is the only alternative and you have refused to got there dear one. Praying for you and yours.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thank you for prayers and graces, Susie.


  2. Jen Ferguson Avatar
    Jen Ferguson

    I’ve felt helpless in the past week and have to breathe deep and let go and trust. And make some cookies. 🙂 Praying for you, friend.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      So appreciate that and YOU, Jen!


  3. leah Avatar

    Your words really resonate with the irreconcilable truth of human suffering. It is what theologians and prophets and priests have wrestled with since the beginning. The only response is faith that God is who He says He is. Good and in control. Your response to make soup, simple and good is a good one. Just this week I made a list of “things I can do to feel more in control” because of these out of control heavy feelings. They say Americans are among the most fearful people on the planet. I think this information over load of all that is ghastly and shocking is part of the reason. I for one never read on-line head lines. I’ve settled on current event magazines from a Biblical perspective.
    Hope your soup and wordless prayers brought your needed comfort.
    from you neighbor on at Emily’s,


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      I agree with you, Leah- there is a balance to taking in news with biblical perspective, but I also believe we have access to more than we are made to process and handle. Hence why I be careful to not take in more than needful. Wisdom and discernment are needed in abundance for our days. Grateful He gives freely when we ask. Thanks for the visit!


  4. shortybear Avatar

    Praying with you, and for you.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      THanks, Denise- praying for you as well!


  5. Barbie Avatar

    I felt helpless today when I read the news reports of 250 kidnapped girls being sold into slavery. Oh friend, there just aren’t words sometimes for the injustices in the world. Pass the soup!


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Yes, Barbie, May our helplessness lead us to our knees!


  6. dawnmaurice Avatar

    First, a great big ((hug!!)) and know I’ve got you in my prayers every day. This will turn around…in time. And–there will be justice for all this pain and suffering in the world. He is in control and He will have the final say. We have to keep looking to Him when the going seems so dark. It’s never hopeless when our hope is in Him. Now pass the soup, sister! 🙂


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thank you for prayers, and I so do agree- our Hope is in Him. And yet He still allows us to partake in His fellowship – which grieves and moans awaiting His return. Some days maybe we sense it more. Either way if it leads us to Him, and not away His will is done,


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Loved this! She draws like you!


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