

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. Viktor Frankl


I get a lot of questions around this time of year about planning, planning methods and planner products. I have spent a good part of my life thinking long and hard about Time and Planning. I’ve had a wealth of experience helping people plan better as they attempt to adopt healthier habits and cultivate new lifestyles. Some might say I am a planner person. But the truth is,  I am a planner girl by need NOT nature.

People often see me with my notebook in hand and comment about  how organized I must be. They assume a planner has some magical power to make one organized! Trust me,  a planner..  is not a fast pass to planner perfection and organized living. No book, but one, has power to supernaturally transform us.

My relationship to a planner is characterized more by Linus and his ever-present blanket than any other image I can imagine.




Learning to balance planning, dreaming, living and doing in real life is something that most people struggle with at one time or another. I have observed in myself and others, it makes us prone to jump on bandwagons we have no business riding on at all. It compels us to look for answers in all the wrong places. It drives us to buy things we never use. Often it causes us to give away our power to plan and fulfill our own purpose in our own unique way.

As one who as coached and trained many in the realm of fitness,  my desire and focus was to empower and encourage the individual’s ability to tune into themselves and find what worked best for them, in the context of their season of life and goals. I observed in my own physical pursuits, as well as in those I coached,  many hindrances and obstacles that would arise in one’s plans  for success.I believe these same  challenges come up in every arena of life and are instrumental in maneuvering if one wishes to advance. Whether it is in the physical, spiritual, or mental realm your habits and choices are what matter.  Not the transient things such as current circumstance, location, particular issue.


Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

-Viktor Frankl


This brings me to the reason for today’s post. Tomorrow Planner Boot Camp open enrollment will begin. This is the third time Planner Boot Camp has taken place and  it never fails to deliver fresh insights and new inspiration. If you have ever trained as an athlete or prepared for a major event, you will understand the value and benefit of an off-season. Our lives are not just about performing and achieving, but about acknowledging and enjoying the significant events and happenings along the way without feeling always as if someone else holds the answers and powers to our peace and satisfaction.

If you are tired of trying to make a planner work for you, sick of everyone holding out answers THERE for you, exhausted with gimmicks, methods, maneuvers and the madness of squeezing into a mold not made for you, then Planner Boot Camp will offer a fresh approach to discovering what works for you while helping you discern and release what doesn’t.

What Planner Boot Camp is NOT:

  • a quick fix
  • a new planner
  • a planning “method”
  • a system
  • a military training camp
  • prison

I think this short definition from Merriam-Webster online dictionary is a decent description of what our Boot Camp attempts to accomplish in the realm of developing a plannerly lifestyle:  a short but very difficult training program : a program or situation that helps people become much better at doing something in a short period of time.

I think “difficult” is a relative word. Let’s adopt this definition and adapt it to what I believe PBC is:

A 4 week  exploratory endeavor observing the thoughts, habits and behaviors that we currently adhere to and their effectiveness to help or hinder our ability to live as we believe we desire with an emphasis on changing behaviors in light of what is learned. Focusing on pro-activity, positivity and purposeful planning.

In other words, looking at what you are doing presently, and changing what needs to be changed so that you can  do what you need to do. 

Here’s the ADD/ADHD version:

Live like you mean it. No excuses.

I believe no matter what season of life we find ourselves we will want to make  the best choices with our time so that we are  available and present to whatever opportunities arise. I believe that a combination of Journaling and Planning keeps us balanced with our priorities. I also believe just as I did with physical training, just because you are no longer an athlete, or able to do the same exercise you did in the past, doesn’t mean you will be completely inactive. If so, you’ll increase your morbidity and decline in health ie. waiting around to die?

. Instead we modify activity throughout our life to reflect our current goals, desires, priorities and intentions. It’s the same thing with Planning and Journaling! I’m not going to throw my planner out because I am not working full-time in a career, or competitive arena. Planning habits and style and the role of a planner might change: the way I use it, the size, format, and all that might change. But as long as I am alive, I have stuff to do…and the threat always to the wrong things first and  let the significant priorities fall by the wayside.

If you aim for nothing, you’ll accomplish it.

Better to aim at something, than nothing, regardless if you’re 20, 30, 50, 80.

Are you ready to live like you mean it? No excuses? Regardless of age or season of life?

Enroll tomorrow.

The link will be avaliable under the Planner Boot Camp tab here on the blog from Thursday, January 12th- Thursday, January 19th. No late enrollment. (This is the ONE time PBC will be offered in 2017. A Reboot will be offered for those who participate later in the year.)

See you there.


*Image Credit:

12 responses to “Are You Ready for Planner Boot Camp?”

  1. kelrohlf Avatar

    Dawn-Perfect timing for this… I need to aim for something! So much goodness here…it is easy for me to get sidetracked…I really like the goal of figuring out what works for each individual. Let’s DO this! 🙂 Kel


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Kel – as always, your presence would be an honor. I look forward to this – I believe you were on the early enrollment list as well, so hope you got the email. Check your spam.


  2. Elisabeth Avatar

    I’m looking forward to this boot camp! I participated in the boot camp last year and had a hard time breaking out of the planner craziness I had found myself in. Since then I’ve been letting go of the bunny trails that have lead to no planner peace/efficiency. This year I’m hoping to free myself even more and come up with the bare bones planning system that will work for me. Thanks for offering this again Dawn!


  3. Debbie Avatar

    Is there a cost and if so can you tell me how much?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Hi Debbie, Thanks for asking: I’ve put this FAQ page together and all the information is here:


      1. Debbie Avatar

        thank you

        Liked by 1 person

        1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

          Let me know if you have any other questions! Happy Planning!


  4. Lauree Avatar

    i think I will give this a whirl! It may be my only life line to you in these crazy days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      UGH! We still have the Bible Study! And I thought we could make it a weekly thing to chat about that…;)


  5. Shannon Harris Avatar
    Shannon Harris

    I want to register for planner boot camp.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Shannon, it is currently closed. You can enroll next time! Thanks for your interest. 😉


      1. Elisabeth Avatar



I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

Social-Media Free (mostly)

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