photo credit: Path to the Clouds via photopin (license)
photo credit: Path to the Clouds via photopin (license)

Summer’s end is closing in on us. The days are winding down. Fall will bring new schedules. This is the last post in the Summer Devotional Series. I share with you a poem to ponder, with the last journaling prompts beneath. Thank you for joining me on the journey, here. I hope you’ll stick around awhile. If you have enjoyed the journaling prompts, had a favorite post from this series, or have a journaling question or request-  let me know in the comments below.

Does Grace Have an Expiration Date? 

Here I am, Lord-

testing the boundaries of your love…

Needing to be reassured,

 somehow in this journey

that your grace

 has no expiration, that

it requires nothing of me

but quiet confidence

and a steady heart…

Needing to understand the path before me-

eliminate the clutter of

too many voices,

even those I know to be good.

I want to believe

what my heart suspects-

despite the politically erratic,

philosophically murky,

morally corrupt soup

surrounding me,

I still am safely kept.

I know you are not a

denomination, or

just a “great teacher”, or

one of many in a lineup of

saints, gurus, lucky charms.

You are God

and there is no other-

You are God

you will not be denied.

You are God,

and have the final word.

From the beginning

always, you are

all that will be heard.

Your grace does

not expire,

Your mercy is new every day,

and great is thy faithfulness-

I know and believe this and

You alone, Lord,  make the way.

Though I run away, like Jonah,

fail as David, deny you like Peter-

You will

never fail me…

Your love is an eternal SKU-

an ISBN unchanging,

my home address true.

I am redeemed, by  One

 whose claim

no man can ever undo.

I am stamped

with eternity’s

postage mark: Forever.


Journaling Prompts and Possibilities:

  1. Simply put, do you believe God’s love, mercy and grace have an expiration date? Journal why or why not. Support why or why not with Scripture.
  2. Write a poem, a prayer or a reflective journal entry as you please about the evidence of God’s grace in your life, in the past, this year, this month, this week and yesterday.
  3. Journal an affirmation of what you take of grace into your journey going forward, today, tomorrow…in the future.
  4. Have you ever tested the boundaries of God’s grace, mercy and love? How? Consider and journal it!

Thank you for reading these posts, I pray they have blessed you this Summer. May God bless your journey as you seek Him always.

*This post is part of a series: Devotion Thoughts for Summer Days– a combination of faith-based posts published between 2011-2013 (and some written fresh this Summer) revised with journaling prompts.

Thank you for joining me on the journey!


Linking with Create with JoyTell Me a True Story, Missional Women and the newest link up Weekend Whispers @ My Freshly Brewed Life.

16 responses to “Does Grace Have an Expiration Date?”

  1. Corinne Rodrigues Avatar

    Grace! Wonderful grace. It has seen me through so much. Love the prompt, Dawn. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thank you, Corinne! Can it ever be pondered enough? Have a great day!


  2. Nicky Avatar

    Seriously this has been a recurring theme for me this past week. Except I don’t have a problem accepting God’s grace for me…I have a hard time extending that grace to others. I’m really working on this!


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Oh, but Nicky I think they are intertwined…freely we receive and freely we give. Sometimes we think we get it but we don’t. If we don’t give it, I believe there is some part of us blocking that full measure of limitless grace available…it is ongoing. Daily I need to re-receive, so daily I am able to freely release it…only the dry well is unable to give what it does not have. Anyway, journal it and ask God. We need to drink from that living water not just once, but daily …maybe even moment by moment, receiving forgiveness keeps us reliant on God, not self. Confessing, moment by moment…especially when driving. LOL. Seriously. Ongoing grace, ongoing water, ongoing reliance. You are a blessing! Thanks for reading and letting me ponder further with you!


  3. Madlyn Avatar

    Beautiful and inspirational!


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thank you for reading and commenting, Madlyn.


  4. ocjarman1 Avatar

    Oh wow, you got this girl thinking wonderfully! I hard-copied your poem in my own journal with your attribution.
    I’m looking forward to the Planner Boot Camp; one problem, critically low on money (who isn’t?). Any advice? I’d deeply appreciate!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      I am honored that my words spoke to you in a way you ant to ponder further- I praise God for that! Planner Boot Camp is not a paid endeavor, my friend- if that what has you worried. And if and when it was or is, I certainly would have to extend support to anyone who wanted to participate but was unable due to finances. If you need something, let me know 😉


  5. Cecelia Lester Avatar
    Cecelia Lester

    You have good thoughts in this poem. I like the way you incorporated the SKU and ISBN into your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thank you, Cecelia. With prayers and a hug. Dawn


  6. Barbie Avatar

    What a beautiful poem.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thanks, Barbie- I may have linked it two weeks in a row at your place? Not sure…either way. Thanks for reading and commenting, and mostly for being you!


  7. Mary Sayler Avatar

    Dawn, you’ve give members of our Christian Poets & Writers group on Facebook a lot to think about, pray about, and write about in Jesus’ Name. Thanks. I’ll highlight your post on the Christian Poets & Writers blog – God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thank you, Mary- I am grateful for the CP&W page and the continued support you provide for us!


  8. bluecottonmemory Avatar

    You know – I don’t think I’ve ever consciously set out to “test” God – but unconsciously, I do every day. I’m going to be turning this over in my mind. Your poem went deep, Tara! It touched me so much, I shared!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

    I always love when you visit, Maryleigh!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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