

Weekends. The end of a week’s worth of triumphs,  trials, To -Dos, and travelings.  Friday finds us ready for a break from the routine we’ve tried to keep up with all week long. Breaks are important. They help us return to our routines with happy anticipation instead of  drudgery. Saturday hints at  the possibility of a day of rest on the horizon. Ideally we take a day or at least some time, to renew, relax and refresh ourselves. Hopefully we pause to reflect upon our days, choices, actions and words. Some days even the Planner needs a day off. To this end, I offer you permission to ponder. To cease from planning. Even for a little while. This is not wasted time, my friends. It is needful for your soul!

“Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10


A Practical Tip: Take some time today to be still. Look out the window and watch the rain fall. Walk outside in a leisurely manner. Meander. Curl up with that book, you’ve been meaning to get to for the past week. Give yourself 15 minutes with a cup of tea. I promise you will be a better person for it. If your day does not allow for that look at tomorrow, and find a hole in your schedule to just be still. To just be.

A  Quote or two to Ponder:  “The best thing to remember about time-saving technologies is that they don’t. Instead, they consume, compress, devour time. All the countries with the most time-saving technologies are the most stressed-out countries–an assertion that’s easy to prove.”

 “…our modern view of time is to compress it and milk it for every nanosecond of productivity we can get.”

Both of these quotes are by Dr. Richard Swenson who has written one of my all time favorite books on time,  Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives.

A  Prayer for  Today:  Lord, you created time and eternity, you wove the heavenlies into existence. Time is in your hands. Help us to trust that which is yours to your wisdom and not our own understanding, that we may know true rest, wholeness and peace. Let us cease striving and know you. Let that be the fullness of our day, the satisfaction of our lives. May we seek you in the balance of busy days, and not be afraid to take time to rest, for You are a God of Rest. In Jesus Name, Amen



This is Day 4 of the series Planning with Purpose: 31 Days of Planner Tips

I wrote an INTRO POST here explaining everything!

I have also made designated a PAGE for it. Hope this makes it easy. I am happy to tackle a topic, or issue with regard to your planner habits.

Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me. 

final with bigger31

I pray this series is a blessing to you. 


7 responses to “The Planner’s Day Off”

  1. triciawil Avatar

    Great series! Today’s post really resonated with me. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tara Avatar

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and praying for me. Love your series. I look forward to reading more. Good reminders for us all. It’s been a lazy Sat here (and I’m still in my pjs). Your blog reminded me that sometimes that’s what you need to do for yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cecelia Lester Avatar

    Dawn: I usually don’t have Saturdays free this time of year. Our drama group usually is in rehearsal for the Christmas play we give in early December. This year we aren’t doing that. But Saturdays are just as busy for me. Getting caught up on laundry,etc. This past Saturday, I had three activities available to me. I chose to attend the drama group’s meeting as we plan for something special. I get my time to relax each day- in the mid to late afternoons.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Cecelia! You finally are able to bust through the WordPress comment code…lol. So nice seeing you here! Hope you are well.


  4. Barbara London Avatar

    Thank you for sharing! I really enjoyed your post on the Planner taking some time off…we all DO need to “stop and smell the roses”; to rest and relax…YES, to enjoy that cup of tea and that good book! Sorry I am so late catching up…I’ve wanted to follow and read so many others’ blogs and am trying to catch up with some of the reading – in the middle of trying to get my posts written as well!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Barbara, no need for apologies. I feel your pain! This is my third year, but it seems the hardest in many ways…keeping up. We can’t do it all, so some things have to be relinquished to the back burner…November will be a better reading month for me in general, blogs and books!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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