
God desires to TAKE our burdens and GIVE His mercy. How many times have we carried a burden we could have daily traded in for His mercies? ~Beth Moore

Picture this scenario:

You and a close friend decide to meet for coffee. This is one who is dear to you, whom you esteem greatly. You look forward to seeing this dear one and long to give your undivided attention completely to whatever their need. More than anything you want to connect with this one to remind them of your great love for them, lest they forget in the busy-ness of the days.

You arrive, and sit at the table anticipating seeing the face you adore. You are brimming with love, and beaming with affirming hope to share with this one precious soul. You wait. And wait.


Finally, the dear one arrives.

You stand to embrace, sit down, and wait again, while the friend goes to get their order from the counter. Upon returning, you notice how frantic and distracted your dear friend appears. You pray quietly to the Father for peace to fill their heart, mind and soul. Your gaze is fixed upon one. But your friend’s eyes dart about the café. You graciously ask them their trouble and listen, praying all the while, interceding as they pour out their list of hurts. Yet even as you faithfully listen, the friend is not completely present. This one tiny gadget consumes their focus. A call, an e-mail, a status that “PINGS” loudly demanding cherished one’s attention.

In the midst of the meeting the friend bolts upright and announces a great idea that must be acted upon immediately. Gathering phone and cup, with abrupt goodbye, gone. You sit watching them walk back out the door.

Was there any connection at all?

Friends, God longs to connect with you.

He longs to gaze upon your face as you look into His Holy Word. He longs for you to pour out your longings and troubles to Him, first. He offers His undivided attention and waits for you, a Faithful Friend. There is no other friend more faithful, more able, more perceptive or wise.

If you don’t see Him, perhaps you have been too long looking at your problems, others, and circumstances, and not gazing steadily into His loving face. The only way you will see Him is by meditating on His Word. He will meet you there.

Please sit with your Savior. Don’t leave Him waiting. He loves you. He longs to give you what you need for this day.

Connect with Him.


We are in the home stretch of this amazing journey. 70 days of connecting with GOD daily through P.R.A.IS.E. . Are you sensing the momentum or are you waving from the sideline?

What have you learned or are you learning that might help you stay more connected daily in the future?


Don’t quit! Keep on. Your goal is Connecting with Him. I look forward to celebrating with you our 70 Days which will fall on April 11th. We will meet here on Sunday the 13th for our last (?) Whispers of Hope gathering. I look forward to sharing what God has taught me thus far in the next two posts (weeks 9 and 10). I hope you’ll join me.


Turn your eyes upon Jesus by Alan Jackson for your edification tonight… Click here if the embedded video does not work!


photo credit: Beshef via photopin cc

7 responses to “Are You Connecting? (Whispers of Hope- Week 8)”

  1. shortybear Avatar

    This was so true, thanks.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Thanks for reading, my friend. Pray you are connecting. Thanks for your prayers!


  2. annb48 Avatar

    I think I’m somewhere in the middle on my progress with the book. I just can’t seem to get into the journaling; but I have kept up with the daily readings & have done some praying about what the topic was — and a few pages of journaling. I’ve got tons of excuses — none of them will fly with God.


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Grace to you, Ann! I think each of us has different ways we connect to Him optimally. The key is finding in what way you most are able to connect with HIm. SOme may find a conversation is better for them than writing/journaling. I am comfortable with journaling… but also sometimes journal less and lament more! I think letting the Spirit guide our times with Him, whether we have 15 focused minutes or an hour is key. It keeps us connected , better able to abide throughout the day! hugs! And please keep on, you are a blessing. Praying for you!


  3. dawnmaurice Avatar

    I love this imagery–I know too often I’m crazy distracted and don’t allow myself to sit in His presence and fully connect. What a gift if we just would…By His grace, I’ve kept up faithfully and can’t believe we’re so close to the end so soon. Last week’s Scripture doodles are here: I’m thinking of just starting all over after the 70 days and keeping going to fill up my journal with prayer and doodles…I really don’t want to stop!


    1. enthusiasticallydawn Avatar

      Dawn, we are thinking the same way! I just said to my BFF, :why would I stop, it has been amazing!” I am considering continuing but using another devotional… although I also like just reading the Bible alone and then prayer journaling… stay tuned. I also am considering doing a series on Prayer Journaling! I can’t believe it either… also I am going to a Moms in Prayer Event in MA (Hopkinton) on the 12th. A perfect way to conclude the 70 days and start again… never ending! Let me know if you are interested in going and I will e-mail you more info! On my way to your place!


  4. Deanna Avatar

    Love this!!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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