This sweet gift was outside the door at our vacation cabin in Maine.

Well, Ann Voskamp is hosting Lisa-Jo Baker’s 5 Minute Friday this week, and we are all excited with this sweet surprise.
So, join us and write your heart out for 5 minutes. 
Ann chose the prompt, “Belong”
It’s funny, I was just thinking I was invisible. So often I feel I don’t belong. I mean I do belong. Here, right? I mean, after all He put me here…in this place, at this time, gave me the desires of my heart. Yet it still creeps right in to my stream of conscience. That voice. It’s alien, yet clear. “You don’t really belong.” My mind reels. I reject it. Taking that thought captive to the obedience of His great, unfathomable love. For me. Sometimes I don’t feel like I belong. Heck, most times. But I do, belong. We all belong. To Him who belongs to we who believe. To  all…Oh, but I long to know it through me. Like an inside out hug. All the way through, I long to belong. 
Five Minute Friday

11 responses to “Where My Heart Belongs (5 Minute Friday: Belong)”

  1. alyssa zech Avatar

    Exactly. Even when we know we do belong where we are because God put us here, it still creeps up on us that we don't. Gotta be the enemy!


  2. Casey Springer Avatar

    That is so well put….like an inside outside hug. I really and truly feel your pain. As I read your post the Matthew West song played in my head…maybe this world is hard to make us long for home. (terrible paraphrasing). Great words of encouragement. HUGE HUGS! YOU BELONG and you are BEAUTIFUL!


  3. Dawn Avatar

    Love this–I know that feeling and you put it in words perfectly! Happy weekend!!


  4. Amy Sullivan Avatar

    Belonging is a crazy thing. We all feel invisible, but rarely to we say it. Thanks for the write, Holly.


  5. Debbie Petras Avatar

    We long to belong but you are so right. We belong to Him. I love your phrase “like an inside out hug”.Blessings and love,Debbie


  6. tinuviel Avatar

    “Like an inside out hug”–yes! Well said.


  7. Denise Avatar

    awesome post my friend.


  8. AKA Jane Random Avatar

    Inside out hug – love that!


  9. Mia De Vries Avatar

    Dear DawnIt is the way we were created; that need to belong to our Pappa God. Until we come to Jesus, we will never be satisfied.Blessings XXMia


  10. Ceil Avatar

    I think we all feel like we don't belong sometimes, but you do just the right thing. You reject it! You say that feeling doesn't 'belong' there.Good for you!!Happy Friday!Ceil


  11. Heather Avatar

    ..And as long as you belong to Him! That is all that matters! 🙂


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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