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I’d like to say that I had clear answers
 to the prayers I’ve prayed as of late
I’d like to say I knew for sure the way you want me to go
I wish I could be sure of which one was the open door
I long to hear your say about this inner debate.
The words swim through my mind
As I fall more and more behind…
Yet, you promise your presence.
You say that the same power in this Jesus
lives in me
What am I missing?
There is still loathing in my bones
wrapped in love
There is still anger welling up
swirling in the blood
mixed with hope
There is still a question
hanging in the balance.
Lord, I need you
to be free
and hear
your word for me
End the debate
here and now.
I trust you won’t be late.

PS It’s National Poetry Month and I wrote 5 little reasons Why I love it!
FYI, I tend to think about poetry and write in stanzas frequently. It’s kinda like a cross between therapy and breathing form me. Happy Friday!

Five Minute Friday

6 responses to “End the Debate (5 Minute Friday: Here)”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Lovely words. Here from 5 minute Friday.


  2. Stacy Avatar

    I can totally identify with that.


  3. jeskmom Avatar

    If I dare to speak to what you might be missing: surrender?


  4. Denise Avatar



  5. Kel Rohlf Avatar

    love this prayer poem…praying you heard from Him today…even it was just “wait and trust” Hugs-Kel


  6. BARBIE Avatar

    Beautiful words my friend. You always write with such depth. Have a lovely weekend!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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