Here are the tentacles I believe hold back
and cause stumbling in the faith walk of Believers.
To see part 1 of this post, CLICK HERE.
Friends, believe it or not I feel I have to do a Part Three. 
The word count came in at a whopping 1600 and 
I do not want you to feel I have sunk you with too many words.
We will take the first five “Tentacles” today and 
the final three with concluding thoughts tomorrow.

Thank you for journeying with me!
The Octopus has 8 tentacles so I considered these 8 in my own life, 
and shared a scripture passage to consider for disentangling from each one.
1. Negative Thinking and Self Talk
This is an area I am sure we can all attest needs to be addressed in our own lives. 
We need to be our own best friends in how we speak to and think about ourselves. 
Truth in love, gracious, kind.
The word of God is the key to freeing ourselves from the 
bad habits of negative self talk and thinking.
Plugging in God’s word specifically and  immediately helps us to train ourselves anew!
As any athlete knows, proper training makes  the difference.
Our battle is to bring down every deceptive fantasy and every imposing defense that men erect against the true knowledge of God. We even fight to capture every thought until it acknowledges the authority of Christ.
2 Corinthians 10:5
2. Self-Sufficiency 
Self -sufficiency is rooted in pride. It buys into the lie that we can do it on our own. 
That we don’t need help and that we don’t need anyone else to make it or get by in life.
The American Dream is largely a self-sufficiency platform. 
The philosophy of our culture is currently diametrically opposed to the principles of the Eternal Kingdom.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.
Isaiah 55:8
3. Past Mistakes
I’ve made plenty. 
Fact is, I made a mess of my life before I came to Christ, 
and then I made a mess of it again after I became a Christian. 
Guess what? God still can use me anyway.
His grace and face is the same yesterday, today and always.
I’m not perfect now, I never was. 
When the enemy (and some unkind others) remind me of my past mistakes 
I point to my Advocate. He covered the past. He’s got the future covered. 
His blood covers me. Completely.
My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. 
But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense–
Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.
1 John 2:1
4. Fear of Rejection/Failure
I have been rejected. Have you? 
If you live past the age of  two you will experience rejection.
This past year has been The Year of Rejection more 
than any other for me! But whether or not I am rejected for a job, for my beliefs, for my lack of experience, for the way I slurp my coffee or for any reason, 
I am accepted by the Lord.
 I do not like to fail any more than anyone else, either. I hate failure. But if you are going to try anything new, there is the risk of failing as well as succeeding. Either way, if I fail or succeed I am neither a failure nor a success. 
I am His, and He determines the way. 
Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.
Psalm 27:10

5. Discouragement/Depression
I’d like to say that I never get discouraged nor have never known depression.
I have known both well.I’ve battled discouragement along this road and have had my duels with the dragon of depression. I know what it is like to walk in both of these states with the Lord and without. He keeps me from the pit of hopelessness and despair where I used to dwell. Having myself lived through the victimization of Childhood Sexual Abuse makes me a candidate for this dynamic duo. I sought the secular road of self help and psychological knowledge long before I came to the saving grace and healing power of Jesus Christ. I sensed the glass ceiling of earthly wisdom, and Christ shone His light upon me. True freedom, hope and healing are found nowhere else. No glass ceiling blocks my heavenly view or the reality of His presence. He is the difference.
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again–my Savior and my God!
Psalm 43:5
See you tomorrow for the wrap up!
One concluding thought and Faith Life Preserver for you today 
in the form of a verse
Cling to it, will you?
What, then, shall we say in response to this? 
If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:31

31 Days of Faith Life Preservers 
October 1-31, 2012
See all other Faith Life Preserver Posts HERE.

Check out all of the other 
31 Day Topics and Bloggers HERE!
I want to take the time here to thank and Bible Gateway who make my Blogging life, scripture reference and research a breeze and a blessing! 

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6 responses to “Disentangling From The Octopus Pt 2 {Faith Life Preservers-Day 28}”

  1. Pamela M. Steiner Avatar

    Wow. This is super. You are an amazing woman of God. Don't listen to the lies of the enemy, whether it be from the devil or from human enemies who are jealous of your position in Christ Jesus. Stay focused on Him, He will not let you sink as you walk across the water of this life to the new life He has promised in eternity. You are definitely on the right track.


  2. quietspirit Avatar

    The enemy's specialization is lies, lies and more lies (always masked as the truth). We have a Lord that loves us and wills to help us as we go through life.


  3. Denise Avatar

    Fabulous post.


  4. Pam Avatar

    Dawn, this is AWESOME!!! Looking forward to tomorrow's final post.


  5. Pam Avatar

    Oh, almost forgot. I LOVE each of the pictures for the posts. So very cool.


  6. Kel Rohlf Avatar

    Dawn- I am going to print these out with the Scriptures and meditate on these this week…thank you for listening to God and giving words to the weary! This is just what I need as we head into the dark of winter and the joy of Christmas…light has overcome the darkness! Hallelujah! I feel the power of His sword in my hand!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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