You know things are chaotic when your calendar is upside down!
Seriously, that was my desk recently. It’s not better, yet. But I am working on it. It seems when I try to get organized or clean, I tend to make a mess. It just works that way. I kinda ‘splode. Everywhere. Sometimes I find my way back to sanity. Other times I just close the door. Did you ever just wish that one of those Home Improvement Extreme Makeover Shows would knock on your door and say “Poof”, and all of the clutter  would be gone? Friends, that horrifies me, all my ideas are in that mess!
Last week my life felt full.
I just raised my hands and face to Heaven, receiving graciously.
Every single gift as it was poured out, like oil, spilling over my head.
Running down my cheeks.
I felt no shame, as I licked my lips, smiling.
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you.
One year older.
One year more blessed.
One year wiser. 
Tomatoes and Basil from our garden.
Thank you, Lord.
Peaches (gently tossed with a touch of lime and sugar)
served in Martini glasses with fresh Mint
(from our garden)
Thank you, Lord. 

My sweet Moms In Prayer friends from New Hampshire. 
I love these ladies and am loved by them
Thank you, Jesus! 
Thank you Starbucks-
I look forward to my free drink each year!

So I took it here and had myself a fabulous morning.

 I brought a Good Book! 
My Girl gave me a wonderful pedicure
and my Amazon book order had just arrived!
Talk about divine timing. I finally got my hands on
The Jesus Storybook Bible
 and because of this combination enjoyed the pampering
of my feet from the soles
right to the soul!  

but be warned- he feels that the person who wrote this recipe, 
perhaps is not familiar with recipe writing or something to that degree.
It was delicious but I felt I should give you fair warning if you want to try it!  

281. Sisters in Christ who pray faithfully for me
282. A husband who never ceases to amaze me
283. My sweet friend and SIC Pauline who spoke this beautiful truth:
“Fellowship IS worship” 
284. The daily surprises of God
285. The beauty of 4 seasons in New England
286. His Creation- continual source of inspiration, hope and beauty.

On this last note I leave a quote of encouragement from the amazing
  Dietrich Bonhoeffer journey
I am on from Bible Gateway:

When people are deeply affected by the Word, they tell it to other people. God has willed that we should seek and find God’s living Word in the testimony of other Christians, in the mouths of human beings. Therefore, Christians need other Christians who speak God’s Word to them. They need them again and again when they become uncertain and disheartened.
D. Bonhoeffer

May your week be full of fellow Christ – Followers
 who speak words of life into your life, Friend!

New links and friends and old ones as well:

On In Around button
miscellany monday at lowercase letters

10 responses to “Stop The Insanity, It’s Monday!”

  1. Gina Avatar

    Love the post!!!! The food looks great…. I miss my garden since we moved we don't have one any more:( thanks for sharing…. I hope your day is great!


  2. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    Thanks, Gina! Wow you are fast, just posted. That gave me a smile, though! lol. Off to visit your place.


  4. Tammy Avatar

    Looks like a beautiful week for you and that cake looks scrumptious!!


  5. Ashley Ditto Avatar

    Love your amazing posts, they help me so much!


  6. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    Thanks, Tammy- your visit is a blessing!


  7. Modern Day Disciple Avatar

    Ashley, that is humbling and amazing to me- I am grateful to God to be a help to you dear Sister. You are a light for Him and an encouragement to many!


  8. Anonymous Avatar

    Lovely post Dawn filled with lovely sights and I can imagine tastes especially that cake yummy, plus encouraging words which were so needed today. Thank you.


  9. Southern Gal Avatar

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for the encouragement this morning.


  10. Laura Rath Avatar

    Hi Dawn,Psalm 31:24…just what I needed to read tonight.Thank you God! He always knows what we need and when.Blessings,Laura


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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