Story: Not A Fairy Tale

Some of my journals…

I have been trying to figure out my story for some time. I think at some point I just stopped. Instead of trying to figure it out, understand it, analyze it, see myself in it, I just let it all go. I embraced the story that is my life. 
Sounds weird, right? Let it go and embraced it. But that is kind of what I did…little by little I accepted His broader perspective for my tiny glimpses. In time my story began to merge with His story. My story becomes His glory when I accept His grace. Oh, I am still accepting it. Still learning it. Still seeking where I am clinging to stories He wants me to release. But His peace permeates my story. His story has become my glory!

Linking with Lisa- Jo before I go!

Click below and join in – the most fun 5 minutes of writing
I look forward to all week!

Five Minute Friday

8 responses to “Story: Not A Fairy Tale”

  1. Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage Avatar

    Hi Dawn,I am so very thankful the Lord Jesus has rewritten my story! He gave me a brand new beginning and filled my heart with joy. When I finally realized I had no where else to go but to Him, it was a comfort to know He was there all along, waiting….Thank you for sharing this and have a lovely weekend.Blessings,Sandi


  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Hi Dawn, “Let it go & embrace it.” Resonates so much! So true that with Him, there's no need to over-analyse things cos it works out fine in the end – as long as we keep responding to Him eh. ;)Luv,Cara


  3. Ashley Ditto Avatar

    I love how you said your story becomes His glory. Dawn, you have such a special gift. I love your blog so much.


  4. Jerralea Avatar

    “My story becomes His glory when I accept His grace” that struck me, too. I am so thankful for grace!I also loved it when you said His peace permeates your story. Having peace means everything!


  5. Chatty Crone Avatar

    I do think writing probably got you to the point where you could let go and live. sandie


  6. BARBIE Avatar

    Oh yes…”my story becomes His glory when I accept His grace”. I needed that reminder. I've not been accepting His grace over the last week or so. So tired, so anxious, made at myself. So thankful for His grace and His story unfolding in me.


  7. quietspirit Avatar

    “little by little I accepted His broader perspective for my tiny glimpses.” That is the key to learning to trust Him. He sees the big picture while we can only see what's right in front of us.


  8. Diana Denis Avatar

    Isn't it liberating that we're not a fairy tale? The high point of most fairy tales is when the prince swoops in to save the princess. In our story, authored by the Creator himself, the Prince saves us and loves us with an unfailing, ever lasting love, assuring us a place in the Kingdom with the King of Kings. So glad that while our stories are all different His love for us is unmerited yet constant (not like those silly fairy tales). Thank you Lord for grace. And thank you Dawn for the reminder!


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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