Talk about a full week. My roller coaster ride of a life continues, and I think I am learning to enjoy the ride, despite my fears. Chalk that up to a combination of things. Blessings, perhaps. Perhaps a side effect of growing older. Graces. This week as I hit the halfway point of Ann Voskamp’s A Thousand Gifts and curled up in my comfy chair teared up and through it, as the resonating filled my heart and I realized it had penetrated me, in the deep place; crossing over, I join the journey and realize the gift. I decide to accept it and wonder why it took me so long to come to this place. I join with the kindred spirits who have already been journeying with her, on this sacred journey. Me, I’m the sluggard who finally realizes the good things she freely offers in this writing, her gift. I am thankful. I started the book in January but put it down after the first Chapter brought tears. I felt unable to endure the pain, although the beauty of the prose was not lost on me. I could not get beyond the pain of the beginning. It was too real and I broke inside in the reading of it. Empathy is good but still, the pain felt too real. Familiar. But, I have been visiting her blog over the past months and did attempt the January picture dare, abandoning that effort- the remnants are here (I will continue to add at my own pace here); coming full circle I picked up and am tearing up through the chapters and allowing it all to be a gift, too. So another blogger begins the joining in the journey, regularly counting the thousands of gifts. His graces in everyday places.

So I know you want to ask me, “Dawn, what do you do with all your free time while you are not currently working?” I will tell you, precious. I enter contests to win free stuff in between nursing my multitudes of rejections…I meant graces, blessings. Sorry, Ann.
Seriously, I think God really wants to:
A. Make sure I feel especially blessed with books
B. Desires me to read more to improve my own writing ability
C. Is helping my husband realize we really do need those promised bookshelves
D. All of the above

I won a complete set of Judy Christie’s Series and am very excited to lose myself in this wonderful fiction collection of four books. What an extra special treat for me to have a signed set!

Honestly every day this week, books came in the mail. My husband and mom look at the mail, with eyes rolling, “More books?”, while I Cheshire grin, filling the kitchen with pearly white. OK, actually coffee stained yellow. But smiling is smiling, peeps!

This week I got together with friends and counted it all joy. Each of these friends, gifts. 

I discovered that all wind is not good 
wind to fly a kite in…

But it never hurts to try…well, except for the kite.

My beginning One Thousand Gifts…

1. Moonlight through branches, twice
2. Being called …”magical”
3. books daily in mail
4. handmade scarf given freely
5. e-mail to “call now”
6. upheld by joy
7. fresh corn chowder
8. flour on floor
9. grace held tongue in moment needed
10. first school birthday invitation
11. pro-active mom
12. unexpected dinner invitation
13. sweet fellowship in abundance
14. lunch as a treat
15. porch swing prayer
16. heart sharing moments
17. easy going smile from him always right
18. whipping, cold wind
19. overnight fun, two times
20. black bunny ears
21. knowing prayers prayed
22. sweetly sleeping girl contented
23. possibilities of a new week
24. strong willed potential I pray will yield someday
25. resistant heart that leads me continually reliant on more and more grace
26. faith gift that renews, keeping me anchored to hope
27. answered prayer for school event, safety plus much more
28. Friends who believe in me when… I doubt myself
28. trust growing, like tulips peeking out, almost

My prayer for you this week is based 
on that sweet stone hanging above:
May God’s love breathe life into your heart 
and bring grace to your body, mind and soul this week.

Share this gift of grace wherever you 
go with everyone you encounter,
and be blessed as you bless those around you. 
I pray you have grace for the hard places 
as well as the sweet.
In Jesus Name, I pray.

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

8 responses to “Monday Meanderings and Other Things”

  1. Tammy Avatar

    Absolutely beautiful post – the photos and the words! Enjoy your journey. 🙂


  2. Chatty Crone Avatar

    I think if we know that life IS a roller coaster – the ride is more fun. sandie


  3. Pam Avatar

    Oh! I don't know where to start here. Just an all around AWESOME post! Your words, your list, your pictures. I enjoyed them all so.And how funny, Dawn — while you're winning your own library practically, I'm desperately trying to get rid of mine! ;)With grace, peace & love,Pam


  4. Stacy Avatar

    Yea! I am so glad you're joining in on counting the everyday gifts. Ann has such an amazing, tender-hearted way of seeing everything. She helps open my eyes with her book and blog posts….and she is in person just like she writes. It blew me away. Back at Relevant she signed hundreds of books that were both bought and given away and she paused over every single one to pray for the person who would read it.Enjoy and embrace the journey.


  5. Walking on Sunshine... Avatar

    My life has been a roller coaster as well lately. I need it to slow down a little so I can catch up with everything. Nice list you're putting together. Really enjoyed your pictures! Looks beautiful where you live!


  6. Mystic_Mom Avatar

    Wonderful post! 🙂 Bless you!


  7. Marja Meijers Avatar

    Love this post, and your prayer! thanks for sharing part of the journey.


  8. Dionna Sanchez Avatar

    I've heard nothing but rave reviews about that book. 🙂


I’m Dawn

Welcome to my corner of the internet dedicated to journaling for discovery and delight, planning with purpose, and finding joy in the midst of incomprehensible loss. Here, I invite you to join me in exploring the surprising places a pen, open notebook, curious mind and truth-loving heart can lead.

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